
I’m glad!

Agreed, I would really Saber that.

And since it’s canon, I can’t wait for it to flesh out the Lor a little.

Hey if someone left it open, then there Snoke-onsequence to sneaking through it.

Glad you made it through; it was a TIEt squeeze!

We’ve got a Maz exodus out of these doors!

They were too Poe to afford any more features.

That’s exactly how it stuck out to me: a late stage of the evolution of the Jedi starfighter.

“They need to be swept up, and be promised that they’re going to see things that make it worth spending money on a ticket.” Well that is noble and I appreciate the effort!

“Video game ‘culture’” is correct: it’s widespread and commonplace enough that it’s not a discrete culture worth respecting as such. Getting up in arms about “video game culture” is now about as relevant as defending “moviegoer culture”.

To be fair, my Washington would likewise post for a bottle of divine sake’ long before it posted for some adolescent’s recorded thoughts.

It could be the Iron Man approach though: Focus on delivering a solid take on a traditionally weak implementation to better stage future installments from that story viewpoint. The other choice would have been to just keep it in the closet and get the audiences used to ignoring it, which isn’t sustainable.

Maybe it was meta: made the viewer want to stab the music choice so hard...just like assassins stab injustice.

You hope that suits see this effort fail and become more suspicious of funding future vg-inspired movies? Show us on your Ratonhkhake-ton doll where AC stabbed you.

Also, Old Animus didn’t require Fassbender to be shirtless, so it was upgraded pronto.

I know right?? I was getting goosebumps reading about the Hellfighters. I’m 100% amped for this campaign.

The assumed protagonists (Harlem Hellfighters) deserve them more than any other American combat unit in WWI. P.S. The Germans gave them that nickname for their tenacity. This unit + WWI is a great call and likely the first time since Bad Company that the BF campaign story will get us excited.

Other shots show a promo’d “Hellfighter Pack”, which is likely the Harlem Hellfighters, so racial issues will definitely be a part of it. Could be an Inglorious Basterds take on WWI?

NOW you’ve got my attention.

And no wonder these shows are in crappy warehouses: the bulk of your operating budget is going towards teleportation-neutering cages and expensive power use agreements with host municipalities. The permits and safety process must be laborious for the events manager.