
Awesome, thanks. This is really nice to have a short list I can keep an eye on! Now I really need to see Star Wars: Rebels.

Ohh Halo Wars 2. That is going to awesome. Learning of that announcement was my video games Lazarus story.

I know, I’m just grasping at any straw of positivity to prevent full disappointment.

Well I feel better knowing it was human error, as it’s totally understandable with the crushing pre-release blitz as you said.

The fact that this confuses me makes me have to ask... What are the actual canon shows(/books?)?

Let’s crowdfund one for a major children’s hospital! Can you imagine the happiness mileage this would get?? And I’m sure Star Wars-branded juice and other bevs will be out soon too for R2Delivery.

CrashingEchelon suggested what might be the explanation: the Steelbook from the LCE got put in a LE sleeve by a busy employee and shipped. They look the same from the outside on their own and only have a difference (disc vs no disc) when opened. Perhaps pre-release crush just hammered the sorters?

I think you Sherlocked it: that’s the only plausible explanation. Might just be a busy MS employee mixing up the Steelbooks between the LCE and LE since they are identical on the outside if the sleeve isn’t on it?

I’m getting that a lot from responders here, and one of them might have the explanation: whereas I did indeed receive the LE with just a single code containing both the base game and the Warzone REQ stuff, perhaps there was an inventory mix-up that gave me a Steelbook (with all the stuff inside) from the LCE, since

Thank you for this support group. The news made me want to spit-scream. Technology marches on I guess...

What in the hell? Mine looks exactly the same...except it has a little booklet with the code on it instead of a spot where a disc would go.

My what? I got that exact same case and amenities, but got the little booklet with the code on it.

I got that little booklet thing with the code on it! Inventory mix-up?

Unfortunately, I can attest with two copies that the LE also is digital only, with the base game and Warzone REQ DLC bundled into one code. Apparently MS is allowing LCE folks to trade their codes for a disc + DLC code, but not the LE middle children.

Wish they said “Remember when Limited Editions came with discs?” (Must remember to be grateful. Must remember to be grateful.)

Agreed, it should read “gunS!!!”

I hear ya. They did bundle it (Xbox One Elite) with a 1TB console, but it’s for $500, so you’re still paying the same price for the controller.

Those are only the domed sticks. They still have the normal sticks and taller normal sticks as well for the user’s preference.

Like who? Who are the plausible candidates who have actually shown they can consistently work this angle and scale of material?

He doesn’t need to be involved now that he’s laid out a model for big bot action movies to draw from, but he absolutely was the reason Transformers succeeded. Avengers movies aside, it’s become the norm to take the viewer with the simple excitement of seeing an action-oriented property blown out onto the big screen