
Got lucky twice. Both at Best Buy Geek Squad so their not all horror stories. I was able to dodge the diagnostic fee twice.

Lets you know your not buying a knock off.

It was the low quality of the stories. There is ALWAYS something to add. If done right previous sequels have Bremen shown to be better than the original

Wrong sir! It's not a generic college movie because tits and beer weren't involved.

From another pic it looks like x3 sets of minifigs. That could add to the cost plus the lisence fees.

Finally, a phone for the man that says "You ladies can finally hold something I have that's over 6 inches!"

They still go screwed. February, the shortest damn month of the year is black history month. That will teach they for stereotypically having "enhanced" anatomy..

So when can people do the same to those governments policy of recording people in public? Can I opt out of that?

It's it the way they sway? Seriously who the hell is gonna get a pair of tits? First it was the Colonel Gathers and now Sgt Hatred. Military = big pair of tits time.

Ha, that red converter cost extra! Btw the 2013 Safri limited edition color is Neon Yellow peeps.

Fountain pens aren't annoying. Today's models still use cartiages and are more greener since your not tossing the whole pen when it's dry. The people who would hate them are the type that push hard when writing. Plus the color options are better with fountain pen inks.

Wait a minute, wasn't Jordan's number 23? At least the title wasn't "Tyler Perry Presents The New 52 Action Comics no 9"' That would make it super Blacker...

Even with the line, it still moves faster than a ladies line will. Even faster when you cut out those female habits like washing your hands.

Think of the Children! You guys dropped the ball on this one, where is the NSFW tag.

Screw your degree. Every seen the "The Simpsons" movie? That's what humans did to the fish: built damn Dams. Physcially building barriers would screw up even the simplest mating ritual. I'm not even adding in invasive nonative fish which screwed up Lake Victoria.

At the same time it should make things easier for the audience to deal with. You don't have to go Inception with some people, girlfriend, so they can enjoy other aspects. Due to technology catching up its less sci-fi which should hopefully draw people in that don't really care for it. I actually can't wait to see it

I specifically go to Tacobell for the exclusivity of the Dew: Baja Blast. It pairs well it a taco or 5 layer burrito.

Not one bit. I WANT to shop brick and mortar but the selection isn't there. How can it help them if the item you want isn't stocked. Also what if the damn store doesn't exist in your area.

Watch it, its more than that. Head gesture controls, showing how "seamless" it is in real life, and pr0n.

Maybe if you hold the oyster in a verticle position with its fringe looking at you....