
I’m just gonna be devils advocate here, because why the hell not. Now class I would like a show of hands, who can name a series of movies that was MORE successful than the Resident Evil series? Don’t worry iI will wait we have all day.

Basically he is a guy who can make dumb, but entertaining enough films, and always comes in on budget and on time. His movies aren’t great but they rarely bomb and if they do he doesn’t go over budget so even on a loss its not a huge loss. Bsically, he is a performance Director he doesn’t hit home runs but he hits a

Eh Event Horizon is pretty good as the original Resident Evil is a good guilty pleasure.

Note that while it’s shameless, that doens’t mean I think it’s bad. I will definitely check this out, especially if the more granular, Simsy side of things works as well as this trailer makes it look.

I mean, he was widely recognised as one of the principal architects of the shitty workplace culture at Rockstar, so I doubt many employees will be too saddened by this great loss.

Exclusivity in almost every form sucks

In the case of DLC, I hate that some of them are just locked away to promos I may have missed for products I don’t care for or even worse to specific retailers.

Even better is when other platforms get content for games available on mine with no satisfactory explanation. “Because

Just goes to show, the real Good Place is the families and friendships we build together.

Well shit, now I gotta go google his cat’s name.

The way I read it, “got” just means “convinced,” so replace the word accordingly and it makes perfect sense. “I convinced my coworkers to see Cats next week.” I thought the phrasing was pretty common in informal vernacular, but maybe not as much as I thought.

Adaptations change things to varying degrees, from being very faithful to the original to the point of slavishness (Watchmen, at least the movie) to being completely different and having only names in common (this project, or something like Le Guin’s Earthsea). The latter type used to be more common because books were

Case in point, there’s no “Godfather” of comedy movies

A little hard to call this a bad film. Looks like fun, probably stupid, probably with old references because it takes like 5 years to make a movie. But so what?  It’s sorta my niche.

Look for their new album, Snoke on the Water — coming soon from Rancor Records.

JESUS CHRIST. You are the most jaded gamer on this god forsaken planet. Based on all the criteria you’ve laid out, there are maybe five games in the last five years that should get a positive review. Because if the bar is having to do something new/original or push gaming forward to be worth anything, then Jezuz

Ok boomer.

You either care way too much about what people think you think about games or you’re being paid way too little.

Ahh, I think even Assassin’s Creed fans would say they’d rather have too many than none.

Luckily most Star Wars fans are easy going chaps, and don’t mind a touch up here or there to established canon.

Fun fact: “cultural fit” is also a good way to not have to hire women or minorities. Or at least it’s an excuse.

It’s the exact same fucking bullshit Sony and Activision pulled with Destiny, holding paid-for content hostage from Xbox (and later PC) customers until at least — and Activision was sure to point to that phrase out in the fine print the first time they wielded it — one year after releasing on PlayStation. Fuck, the