
Who have you caught this time? Who do you get to blow up? Is it Tracer? Please be Tracer.

Hell, he was in the NFL. How does he explain even the time differences in sunsets between New York and the west coast?

“The same green stuff that blinded daredevil and gave him his powers, seeped into the sewers and got on a rat and some turtles abandoned by the pet store = TMNT.”

Enjoys the medium of VR is a pretty tall order. I love VR when it clicks and delivers an experience worthy of being in VR (Superhot, Windlands, Job Simulator, Arizona sunshine), but the market is flooded, and the majority of experiences are, at best, tolerable. VR is still in its infancy, so you have people trying to

Well, this post goes a little too far out of its way to not understand or otherwise misinterpret simple jokes. Doing so, it skirts dangerously close to being obvious trolling, but does get extra points for being long winded, spiteful and all encompassing. Overall it’s an OK troll post, though it needs a little work in

Evie and all of her stuff was just the best part of Syndicate period. Jacob was so dull and one-dimensional by comparison.

It’s not that bad actually. I very rarely 100% games, but Origins is one of them (I have a total of 6 platinums on my 9 years old Sony account). Horizon is also one of these game. It is somewhat manageable. It took me 55h in Horizon, 80 in Origins. There’s no silly “find the very last item you missed without any way

Between AC IV, Far Cry 4, The Division, Watch Dogs 2, and AC Origins, Ubisoft has owned the vast majority of my gaming life these last 4 years.

I’m convinced that anyone uttering the word ‘wellness’ is running a scam.

I believe if you go back to my previous comments on this story, you’ll see that I was saying the same thing prior to one of the offenders being identified.

Also, I voted for Hillary, and am vocally opposed to Trump (please, do check my commenting history).

But, y’know, use righteous indignation, part for whole thinking,

I agree. The officer involved should be reviewed—and if appropriate, charged, and imprisoned.

I just hate that we keep taking the focus off the people who made the call that created the situation in the first place, and keep running to, “BUT THE COPS!”

Yes, current police enforcement is shit, and I say that as the son

Murder requires one of two things for either a murder one or murder two charge:

Murder one requires malice aforethought and mens rea (criminal intent). The officer likely cannot be proven to have intended to kill someone when they approached the house, so that’s out.

Murder two is a crime of passion; “passion,” in legal

Yes. Rogue is one of the best Assassin’s Creed games and also the one that the fewest people seem to have played. It got tossed off with minimal promotion since it came out at the same time as Unity, which is a shame because it was full of new ideas while Unity came off as more of the same (plus tons of glitches.)

I did since I never got around to playing when it was originally released but they made it BC on Xbox One last spring so I played through it over the summer.

I haven’t played Warframe in quite a while, so take this with a grain of salt but... maybe? I honestly think they’re a lot more different than most people do. Warframe is INFINITELY more focused on movement and melee than Destiny is, so if that sounds good, give it a shot.

The devs were thoughtful enough to add braziers you can light too. Helped me a lot, especially if I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d been in a particular room or area before.

Disagree. I saw him destroying the helmet as an allegory for him actually starting to mature into someone more like a Sith instead of just parroting one. This sort of hits its culmination when he brilliantly tricks Snoke and assassinates him, then takes out Snoke’s guards and tries to convince Rey to join him on the

Agree to disagree. Personally, after watching TFA I didn’t care that much about Snoke. I didn’t need another Emperor figure hanging over this movie’s Vader. Ep 9 is going to be like what if Vader was in charge but also slightly more unstable.

I just didn’t see any potential in the setup of Force Awakens.

Its not a revelation, and very few people are treating it as such.