I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed Andromeda. Not nearly the dumpster fire that people have made it out to be.
I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed Andromeda. Not nearly the dumpster fire that people have made it out to be.
That’s what she said!
It’s from the painter quest in Blood and Wine.
IF I wanted to sit around while some Jewish guy bores me on Christas eve, I’d go to church!
I think this was just a happy coincidence. They had a problem with the puffins, the VFX team decided to create a new alien race to deal with the puffins, and marketing thought that they could replace them with Porgs.
I hated Porgs in the trailers, but I came around after actually watching the movie.
The uncomfortable tension of thinking it *might* happen is a lot better than if it actually happened. Makes it a very passable moment instead of something people get hung up on.
And Justice League has a 79% audience score on RT, what’s your point? It’s obvious that TLJ has hit a 4chan/reddit nerve and they’ve unleashed their online army to try and bring it down. Probably because a bunch of Comic Book Guys are butthurt by the women being stronger and more competent than all the men in the…
People keep bringing up this is a movie that wastes people’s time to somehow criticize it ... but The Last Jedi was about failure. Luke dead, the Resistance fleet destroyed ... you know failure. People died in Empire Strikes Back but they actually succeeded in the end.
Can’t agree more. I did not go in with a completely open mind, I will admit. I really enjoyed it, but after having 24 hours to reflect on it I absolutely love it. Everyone who has asked me about it I have told them the same thing.... Forget everything you are expecting, it is not that.
I think they needed the scenes where Poe and his team failed. I believe the idea is “out with the old in with the new” and Poe will become the leader of the rebels. Those scenes were a teaching moment for him, forcing Poe to understand that actions have consequences and in war, those consequences are lost lives. TLJ…
If you think this movie was anything BUT good, you’re insane.
I actually totally took this away on my first viewing. It’s a film about pressing on despite your failures, wrapped in a Star Wars wrapper. I thought the storytelling was actually quite smartly done - it constantly subverted your expectations about what beats a movie “should” hit. Leia’s “death” was surprising in that…
“If you went into Last Jedi expecting to see Hero Luke at some point, the Luke we left at the end of Return of the Jedi, like I did, you left the movie really disappointed.”
Rey is struggling in a 1v1 battle with one of the mooks, Kylo’s fending off three of them at once.
“what i would have wanted was a moment at the end with a stirring speech about failure”
Exactly, the whole Holdo/Poe/Monte Carlo storyline is about teaching Poe that he is not the hero of this story. He doesn’t have all the answers. His way is not always the best. He has to fail - utterly, completely - in order to gain that realization. After the initial meeting, Leia tries to tell him this, but it’s…
My wife and I saw it together (her first, my fourth) and I complained about the Casino and Finn/Rose mission, and the bad decisions Poe made, the bad decisions Luke made. And she turned to me and said its about “failure” and learning from that “failure”. Failure clearly was a main theme in the film and all of them…
I really don’t see how that should matter. If you’re upset that people are being preyed on to the tune of thousands of dollars, that there is a $60 up front charge should be completely irrelevant.
Um... Are you responding to the wrong person? I agree with that.