The Blue Lives Matter peeps are remarkably silent.
The Blue Lives Matter peeps are remarkably silent.
Reminder: Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme is free on parole.
How would things have turned out if he were raised in a loving family? Since Manson has been described as a sociopath....probably the same?
Possibly because things aren’t going well since the people who were at Woodstock #1 are now in the thier 70s and 80s and too damn old to be hauling their tied old carcasses out into a muddy field and party.
The most recent available information says that the average cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 is $233,610 in a married two-parent middle income family with two children.
She’ll do 15 more years in prison than Brock Turner the rapist did.
Where my pro-life peeps?
Breastfeeding, like Natural Parenting/Attachment Parenting, isn’t about what’s best for baby or mom....its about Sanctimommy Bragging Rights and White Lady Privilege.
The breast is best thing is BS anyway. Breastfeeding really only benefits children in countries that have no access to safe water supplies or modern sewage treatment.
people are ‘hysterically’ against co-sleeping because its a good way to kill your baby.
“fertility awareness” is the “rhythm method” repackaged. It doesn’t work. Birth control pills & IUDs & condoms work. If you don’t want an unplanned pregnancy, use a real contraceptive and not quackish jesus based horseshit.
its considered a terrorist attack because a terrorist organization provided the guns & sent out the wee thuglings to burn down buildings and fuck shit up.
Cal Poly provided 265 student-athletes impermissible financial aid in the form of $800 cash stipends for books and course-related supplies that was not equal to the actual cost of those items....
Let me put it to you this way...most of the guys claiming they landed on the sex offender registry for “only” peeing in public were actually weenie waggers & jerking off.
Carolyn Ancona, Ancona Jr.’s daughter, told media gathered, through tears, that her father “didn’t deserve this.”
dude, this is a troll.
Cuz the prosecutor is as racist as the cops that arrested Sgt Waters.
The conviction and sentence in 1970 was for an attack on yet another woman. He only did serious time then because he tried to shoot a cop.
The assault on Lois Rinna happened in 1960. He was later convicted in 1970 and sent away for 7 years. They let him out again and from 1979–1981 he raped and murdered 5 more women. In 1988 he was sentenced to death and he’s been on deathrow ever since. He was then convicted of 2 more murders and there is evidence that…