Vulcan Has No Moon

I know. the basically have the same floor plan and godawful checkout counters. they need to just set up like a damn grocery store with multiple lanes instead of that one lane/1st available checker bs.

counterpoint:  Marshall’s check out lines are too goddamn long. 

Crazy bitch needs to keep her tits to herself. your tit juice ain’t magic and formula isn’t poison.

Splinter is spreading around anti (female) Democrat propaganda? Wow, color me not surprised.


Every time I see a picture of Elizabeth Holmes I keep thinking, “She looks crazy enough to stab someone just for the lulz...”

Evangelical Christian Family Values!

I know where they should film Deadpool 3.

I have a feeling Ms Alvarez is one of those people who says, “I don’t know why Mexicans (who are actually not Mexicans but another nationality of Hispanic people) don’t immigrate legally.....I did it and it wasn’t that hard!”

I’m sure the North Koreans don’t find it weird. 

Name him something that means “adorable”. 

Neither side has disclosed the terms of the settlement, and Kaepernick apparently signed non-disclosure agreement of sorts.

He abused her for years and I remember thinking, “She should have put it down the garbage disposal.”

#NotAllMen ;) 

A doucherag that stole from his friends and family is an entitled, rude jerkbag to the hired help? NO!!!!

You don’t have to watch every Hallmark movie. They’re all the same:  women can only be happy if they fall in love with a man and give up their careers to care for man & children. They’re just like lifetime movies that way.