Vulcan Has No Moon

You left a toxic relationship a week ago.....why are you so eager to jump back into another relationship? Is he really perfect or do you just want him to be perfect? Are you afraid of being alone? 

The beginning of the end was when Obama was president and the Republicans decided that they would opposed Obama no matter what...even if it was good for the country. That was the warning sign everyone ignored.

I’m so sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. 

Sheets, once a week or earlier if they appear to be dirty.

You’re just here to humble-brag aren’t you?

This election season, I’d like to thank Bernie Or Bust-ers for the Trump administration. Can you tell the difference between Trump and Clinton yet? Can you?

yep, ghosts aren’t real.....scary people are and so much worse! 

Don’t feel guilty. Nobody interested in you would tell you listening to records was more fun than banging you or women in general. 

The 53%

Cyoc is half filipino claiming to be native american (he’s not native american btw). So ima leave this and this here for you.

oh, honey, i think we all knew it was a white guy....or a guy that passes for white. 

Caitlyn Jenner is noticeably silent.

I always thought google should have marketed Google Glass to black people.

Maybe you wouldn’t be mistaken for a sulky spoiled tween edgelord if you didn’t spew crap like one, Libby.

oh, goody, more bernie bro faffing that Obama isn’t their magic negro and the Democrat candidate isn’t “cool” like Bernie.

Srsly, the world is going to end in less than 18 years so why do women even want or need breeding partners at this point anyway?

When it no longer passes emissions testing. 

Middle school kids are universally horrid. Brother Nature’s fans would know better than me if he’s changed and no longer believes or promotes hate. Or if his apology was “real” or not. 

Footsie?  Did you read that article? It was harassment & assault.