Vulcan Has No Moon

He needs a post political career cushy “consulting” job at one of his donor’s companies. So Jeffy still has to pander to them. Cuz he sure as hell ain’t gonna work for a living after he gets out of office. 

It only got one letter on it for Eugenie.....Jack Brooksbank got left off because he’s not marrying a “working royal”.  

Dear Broken and Empty,

Dear ‘Not A Thug’

Yup, pretty guilty looking. Who else but the actual attempted rapist would know the victim’s name?

The youths have no money. 

Feinstein is cunning.....I think she plans on having him impeached. 

She needs enough money to get the fuck out of that shit-ass state that thinks punishing domestic violence victims is okay.

The suspected cause is over pressurization of the gas lines, so.....yeah seems like the obvious thing to do. 

The ACLU settlement will also compensate Watson and the civil-liberties organization with a $137,000 reward and dictates that the city must train its officials on victim-support techniques and to provide the ACLU with annual records on how they enforce the changed ordinance.

Sounds like he’s a typical living-out-my-frustrated-dreams-of-stardom-thru-my-students youth coach to me. Seriously, are any of those people not total psychos? 

She has said that she is also Haitian and grew up in a Haitian household. Because the press keeps refusing to acknowledge she’s not just Japanese.

Personally it looked like a dumb ass youtube stunt. 

His current net worth is guesstimated to be between 300-700 million.

So is he Sean Hannity or Alex Jones? 

Thankfully for this family, it looks like this was a safe birth....

Is this the same game that Colin Kaepernick is censored out of? Cuz if it is, I think I know why its on sale already. 

Is this the same game that Colin Kaepernick is censored out of? Cuz if it is, I think I know why its on sale