I’m so sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. I know its a cold comfort but you’ve spared your furry darling a lot of pain and suffering and gave them love and comfort when they needed it.
I’m so sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. I know its a cold comfort but you’ve spared your furry darling a lot of pain and suffering and gave them love and comfort when they needed it.
I want him to have a fair shot at succeeding at the job and if I tell anyone at the office what a jerk he has been, then they may be biased against him.
That happened to my uncle once....he started talking about Satan talking to him in his head and drove them around in circles and then left them near a pay phone and told them to call their parents and never take a ride from a stranger again.
I read elsewhere that Jones was sitting in traffic at a light and Szabo came out and started pounding on his car and Jones gave him a shove out the window which caused him to fall backwards and hit his head.
When you’re there you’re Orc gang
Well, she’s not wrong. I mean, at this point, even white men are sick of white man bullshit.
It galls the hell out of me we need to donate money to make sure the votes are counted fairly. Fuck the goddamn republicans with a rusty chainsaw!
The Green Party is not the left wing of the Democratic Party; it is its own party.
Oh, sweetie, the dead foreigners are brown and not Christian! They don’t care about those innocents! #BlessTheirHearts
I would recommend anyone who’s pregnant find out if their hospital and/or in-network medical provider is with the Catholic Hospitalsystem otherwise you may be told that you’ll have to suck it up and suffer because that’s the “will of god”.
Only if they’re not giving you a good discount on the NYT best sellers list.
Weird and creepy vibe: “Take off your clothes and give me your bank account numbers”
High school expectations were already ruined by Beverly Hills 90210 a solid decade before this.
I swear I remember him being republican during the bush years. So totally not surprised he’s a racist.
You can get that by forcing them to exercise an unhealthy amount of time & weights. Sports Parents are a lot like Stage Parents; they will push their kid to do any damn thing to an unhealthy degree for the opportunity to live vicariously thru them. Olympic athletes & Ballet dancers typically start their training as…
i miss the green fried tomato ones from last year.
I knew this lawsuit was bullshitting nonsense.
She was raised by her mother. She lucked out that Tom Cat is a deadbeat.
They’re darling little girls but this is giving me a serious Jon Benet Ramsey vibe.