Vulcan Has No Moon

I mean, the couple could have called 9/11 for emergency transport but maybe they don’t have insurance. I would think that the reasonable thing to do would be for the cops to call an ambulance for the pregnant lady, but maybe the kid just wouldn’t wait.

The children Sager had with his 2nd wife are minors whereas his “children” with his first wife are all independent adults. Makes more sense to make sure the actual children are provided for since they now are being raised by single parent.

Or called an ambulance.

In the case of Lisa Bonet, I always knew Bill Cosby happened to her, from interviews he gave. He was overbearing and controlling creep long before the rape allegations came out.

He’s a rich person. He was raised to believe laws don’t apply to him only the poors. Its probably very shocking to find out that they in fact do apply to him.

I’ve heard about men who compensate for their “inadequacies” with their car but I’ve never actually believed they existed IRL.

Yeah, they turned a decent dress into a tacky nightmare. My reaction to that was, “Okay, I don’t get fashion at all. That thing is hideous.”

The poofiness of the skirt, the satin ribbons, and the ruffle at the hem are what kills it. 

Serenity is a polite way of saying nobody was excited or happy to be there.

Hard pass on the bigot for me, thanks.

Dill relish, yes. Sweet relish, hell naw!

I’m told Queen Liz & the rest of the royals love the Obamas and detest the Trumps so you will likely get your wish.

Don’t fat shame the hippo! She’s at a healthy weight for her age and species!

They should just leave her off the invite list.

1.) You are victim blaming

Why? Lyndon Johnson has got this covered.

Always remember that HR is not your friend. They are there to protect the company, not you.

President Shrub Junior was desperate for canon fodder after 9/11 and promised a bunch of immigrants a fast ticket to citizenship if they served in the military. They were screwed over naturally.