Evil Twin

I believe you have no idea

Pizza Hut Hut Hike!

No. But, there does need to be consideration of both long term and short term benefits/consequences.

No. But, there does need to be consideration of both long term and short term benefits/consequences.

They traded away a player that they (fans included) expected to lose at the end of the season anyway. I think most people agree that if the Bulls thought they could have resigned Deng they would not have made this deal. And, since this season was lost the minute Rose went down again, keeping him until the end of the

My understanding is that the land was donated to the city by the Matheson family for the sole purpose of being used as a Marine stadium. And, that if it was no longer going to be used for this purpose ownership would revert back to the Mathesons. That said, I have yet to read anything from a Matheson family

Paranormal Activity

Interestingly, J. Michael from Comcast SportsNet Washington has the opposite take. Today's headline is More Trevor Bookers Needed

Interestingly, J. Michael from Comcast SportsNet Washington has the opposite take. Today's headline is More Trevor Bookers Needed

My brother-in-law is an engineer at NASA. While it is his dream job, he doesn't make that much money.

True story - I did have a carpenter show up at my house to give me an estimate on some built-ins. He didn't give me an estimate on the spot though (perhaps he had no paper). But, if he had I would have tossed it just as fast.

On a related note, Hamilton Nolan believes race car drivers should "slow down" because sometimes drivers are getting killed.

They did this a few years ago when Roy Halladay threw a no-hitter.

Who is this girl/guy "moderation" everyone says I should be drinking with?

Does anyone know if "she" perhaps did have sand in her vagina? It does happen

I would have guessed University of Phoenix would be #1

Back when the first edition was under development, the designer had indicated an option would be available to purchase tiles in a single font.

YES! YES! The list should be afforded copyright protection. In fact, it should be illegal for consumers to listen to the music in any order other than the order provided by your overlords at the music studios. It is a travesty for songs to be sold individually and it should cease at once.

I don't see a single Galaxy Note 2 in the picture.

Couldn't of happened to a nicer guy.