Evil Minion

Yeah, exactly this. Charity auctions are not known for bringing in tons of money for a non-functional car.

I think the whole “motorcycle season” stuff is mainly to get people aware that there are other things on the road to look for besides cars. Inattentional blindness is unfortunately a real thing, where people basically fail to see things completely when they are not expecting to see them.

Completely and entirely agree. It’s unfortunate that’ll never change though. No politician will risk trying to pass such a major reform, since the vast majority of voters can’t see the bigger picture.

There really needs to be a flag option for “troll” or just “idiot” on this site.

Who spends 25k on a first car?? Your first car is supposed to be a cheap one you don’t care about, or can afford to repair, when you inevitably get into some sort of fender bender.

My exact thought. Way too little detail on the full range of mods to justify that price.

Apparently you didn’t know it’s his job to write about said skyline on a weekly basis. Literally, it’s his job. Now like the rest said, go away.

So buy multiple small dash cams that people won’t spot. You’d be your own rolling candid camera car show!

You need to get a dash cam! Mainly just to have video or audio snippets from the best of the encounters.

You’d think so. Then again, peripheral visibility out of a tank is likely shit unless your head is out of the hatch so...

Wait, you mean the hundreds of thousands of people that think bigger is safer are wrong??

lmao, must be!

Fords marketing team

Yeah, you have to be a massive tunnel-visioned idiot to not see a damn tank crawling towards you. It’s not like the tank came speeding around a blind corner, it was likely barely over school zone speeds.


How is Miata not the top answer on here already?

Pretty much my reaction.

* not to scale (because China)

Hey man, some of us like to dream of a future where the soccer moms and other idiotic/uncaring drivers are removed from behind the wheel of their “appliances”. Don’t burst our bubble! :-P