
Well, no one buys an XB1 for Japanese games, unless they’re completely uninformed, so this isn’t really a big deal. You want Japanese titles, especially niche ones, you get a PS4, with the Switch getting a good number of them too. You want big hairy men with guns, get an XB1.

flannel and ripped corduroy =/= “punk”

Mike, where the screenshots of banned botters’ rage and tears and empty threats of legal action against Blizzard?

You went to Unconscious State?

Ugh, phrasing.

“Yoshi contorts his face before Mario’s hand overlaps his head”

So that makes this effectively canon, right?

I don’t think Trump is actually a fan of anything not named Trump. He probably has a gilded ( and heavily worn from constant use ) sex doll in the shape of his own last name.

I grew up in Colorado Springs. The city had it coming.

I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.

My grandfather is three of the Nintendogs in a cardigan.

My uncle works for Nintendo.

The profile says he’s cool. Hipsters are not cool.

I like how the majority of the video is about the other kid feeling uncomfortable about his personal space being invaded.

How did you get out of that German jail so fast?

D. An open-world survival game that’s huge but somehow also boring

If you want to make a game in 2017 it better be either

A. A card game
B. Team based shooter with MOBA elements
C. A Souls clone

This is getting old.

“I once tracked down the author of this guide, Dan Birlew, and asked him how all this happened. He wouldn’t say. (“I do not comment on books/games that old. Please direct your queries to BradyGames.”