Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
It’s been like this for a long time. I blame focus groups. If you get a bunch of teenage boys in a room and ask them what kind of games they like, they will take turns trying to “out tough” each other. But when these same kids are home alone they might really enjoy a mario game or something more happy and silly. I…
There seems to be this trend in the AAA industry where everything needs to be super serious, gritty and painted entirely in shades of brown and gray. No one is allowed to laugh and everything is super serious because that some how make the experience more “mature” and “realistic”. Yet in my adult hood I frequently…
I’m a huge fan of Brutal Legend. In retrospect, what are your thoughts on the way the pre-release marketing for that game mosly omitted the herzog zwei style boss battles as an element and the gaming public and press reaction to that?
Found this very interesting. Re-watched it after making some changes with VLC’s controls and it “seemed” like a new movie.
Thank you for your continued support!!
Drake sucks, and you’re an asshole.
Marvel did this last year.
If your immediate reaction to the original art is "Oh god this is hot I must resist masturbation uncontrollably" then you might have a problem.
Sandshrew looks like it's into some kinky shit.
now if only capcom would give the Sengoku Basara series another shot in the west
You think that's weird, I was thinking Late Night Conan...
Because it's made by Nintendo and therefore the greatest fighting game ever conceived and consequently not subject to the mores of the genre.
I love Smash, but why do they constantly have to invent new terms for things that already exist in other games?
As if the acid- green techno-vomit look of the interface weren't enough, there was the ridiculous constant thrum and robo-babble as if to imply your mighty XBox were a barely contained malovent AI. It couldn't be more opposite to the cool, chirpy interfaces Nintendo has popularized.
Something tells me you don't want your account any more.
I'm sure they already had a WaterSports team :P
Also... "tube8" is where it's at.