Original character do not steal
Original character do not steal
Just as good as Bleach, I'm sure.
Same as us! You know, we really should just hire Conan to work at Kotaku one of these days.
I think the most important thing to take from all this is actually quite simple: Does this mean Notch will get back to making Psychonauts 2 happen?
Can someone please localize Yakuza 5 because Sega?
Good old RT, always full of shit.
Marvel always does this. Some big "shake-up" and then, coincidentally, right when the next Captain America, Thor, Spider-man, or Avengers movie hits, they return things to the status quo so new readers who saw the movie will have a reasonable entry point.
Oh man. I can't wait to play the part where Jenny gets AIDS.
Wow. Somebody finally made Fetch happen.
Why in the hell did somebody purposefully create a Kayne West Mii?
360 games: "Better with Kinect" - Xbox One games: "Better without Kinect"
Wait, wait... are you telling me it's possible for an update to a game console's OS can actually make things faster, instead of making things slower and more convoluted with every update?
I mean sure it doesn't live up to the (overwhelming) hype.
They forgot "immersive", "visceral" and "social".
Fueled by next-gen technology, Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with dynamic gameplay to create an unprecedented Kombat experience.
Fueled by next-gen technology, Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with dynamic gameplay to create an unprecedented Kombat experience.