Good, well written article.
Good, well written article.
lol. Says the guy named GuanoLad.
Way to go on your use of proselytize in a sentence! If only you had not forgotten to end your first sentence with a question mark. And your second sentence would have made more sense with the word 'as' instead of 'a'.
The Village was great. It gets a lot of crap, but it's beautiful, quiet, moving, and brilliant. It's on my top 10 list along with Stranger Than Fiction as movies that genuinely surprised me with how awesome they were.
I read this article hoping for some nice tips on ways to reduce monthly spending. This was not helpful.
Great Article! Thanks.
that... was good.
Is it weird that the only reason I knew what date it was today, is because tomorrow is "Revenge of the Sixth?"
As excited as I am for Google Glass, the new XBOX, and SHIELD the television show... they all pale in comparison to how happy I'll be the day capes make their comeback in fashion.