yeah I really wanted that to be good. But it wasn’t :(. Similar ideas, but the town building was off, and the levels were just eeehh. The idea of it was sound but it was lacking a lot to really make it something special.
yeah I really wanted that to be good. But it wasn’t :(. Similar ideas, but the town building was off, and the levels were just eeehh. The idea of it was sound but it was lacking a lot to really make it something special.
They would probably ruin it but Actraiser. Like keep the perspective and all the same, just give it a fresh coat of paint. I love that game.
I mean nothing wrong with that at all. 4 gave us a lot of cool stuff for the series. Though the more I look back at it the more I blame it for 5 and 6. At least Leon had a cool part in 6? But yeah I whole heartedly prefer the style of 1-3 more.
yeah I admittedly wasn’t really into the concept of 7. It was a good game, it was scary, but overall I don’t quite get the hype of 4 and 7. Again 4 was ok, it left it’s mark, but man did that game go off the rails lol.
Thanks for the review. It sounds like it’s about what I am expecting. Still looking forward to it though. I do agree that sometimes towards the end of the games they don’t quite stick the landing well. Though I think RE2R is still the best RE game in the series and handles everything mostly well ( I also love the…
Reddit seems to think they did. I guess it makes sense since like you said, she hasn’t had any lines in forever.
This is going to be the best grindiest version of Tron ever
I’ve become a gaming snob in that my time is important. So you have X amount of time to get me invested in your game. If I have to wait 20 hours before it gets good, you’ve lost. That said there are definitely some games that I just look at and go “why do people like this?!”, but I’m sure they would look at some of…
I think this is part of my problem with the direction gaming goes. There is nothing wrong with a lot of these super dense games that come out, but at the same time I really just kind of want bite sized games. (Thankfully they are still out there!) The number of large cool looking games though is just so huge anymore…
Honestly while I was a hardcore destiny person for the longest time it just became exhausing to keep up with it all. That and when the season pass came out after shadowkeep I realized that most of the content within was boring and just not really doing anything for me. I sort of lost interest there. Then they started…
Pretty much all of /r/vita according to Reddit
I’m definitely late on this comment, BUT after seeing this post and so many others you guys definitely inspired me to go on a little journey to remix all the tracks in this game. I put up a playlist if anyone is interested. Thanks for the inspiration!
It’s definitely an interesting problem. And I think I agree with the whole ritual of buying something new mentality. I’ve tried to break myself of that and I think it’s largely worked. I mostly will buy one game, finish it, then move on and get the next one I wanted. By then it’s usually been discounted which is…
What still baffles me about this game ( and Godfall) is why they both require always online connections. They aren’t live service games, but single player games. Always online definitely keeps me away from this stuff
McKids is 100% evil. The first time I played it I was like, what is this thing. Why can I not find anything!
I tend to bounce around between consoles but this is kind of appealing for MS. That and game pass. Sure it sucks sony doesn’t really preserve things, nintendo doesn’t either. But with how the internet is this stuff is ripped and posted an preserved somewhere before the console generation is pretty much over. So long…’s been....6 months already?! what
This is a great quote that sums up how I approach games now “Did I really want to play *insert gamne name* or was I just looking for something big to fill my time?” When I use this approach to things I really kinda step back to look at WHY I’m playing something and most of the time I’m like yeah, wtf am I doing I…
Ratchet and clank almost got there. The game based on the movie based on the game. Just needed to slap a novel in there somewhere
That suspend feature on the vita is a life saver for sure. It’s just so convenient, not to mention easy to get games and such on it.