
LOL. I can see what it was trying to do. But yes comparing it to DMC might be juuuuuuuuuust a little bit generous.

Perfect. I love Tim’s content

Sweet I’ll look that one up

The most fun for me right now is seeing how games in a series evolve as I’m playing through it. Or visiting really old obscure ones and thinking how they were just ahead of their time. ( Rising Zan for example is like what I imagine a PS1 Devil May Cry would have been)

You know I’m honestly not sure. But I think largely while the moment to moment gameplay is fine, the story/characters just are not as good this time around. ( almost annoying to me) and I think that just kinda kills the whole vibe of the game. Like it makes it all feel less interesting. 

I feel the exact same way about PS5 right now. wild arms is also on my list. I never played them and always wanted to. I’ll definitely have to make sure to get those. Any favorites in that series?

I’ve found myself going back in time a lot with games and spending less on modern era games. (especially live services). For example I’m working my way through the entire Ys Series on my vita and it’s really cool to see how the series has changed as each game has come out. I also got really into Bloodborne again and

This is so strange to me. I keep seeing this happening and popping up. Another one is the SoundCloud like website Audius with their $Audio tokens or whatever. They are apparently listing it somewhere but I’m not sure if the tokens they are listing are the actual artists songs or what. It’s all really strange and just

I finished Ys IX recently ( loved it) and am working on getting through the rest of the series. I’ve got them all on my Vita (yay). Finished Origins last night, and then Ys 1 today. Will be starting 2 soon then working through the rest. In between that I’ve been working my way through the Chalice Dungeons in

Man Epic really is having a hard time taking responsibility for breaking the TOS. Let’s say this does pass though, I can see Apple etc just charging a large upfront fee or even a yearly hosting fee. 

lol what a mess. “We’re going to take stuff away, but we are bringing you the cosmodrome!!....OOPS just kidding we meant only part of the cosmodrome” It does not cease to amaze me how they manage to consistently screw up things after they say they are going to do something. Then have to walk it back. Especially now

I think the biggest problem is people are actually buying from these people. Just do not buy from them, it’s that simple. If they lose the demand they won’t be able to resell it for so much. But the hype train I realize and FOMO cause a lot of folks to have to have it. ( I know someone who paid more then double for

Yup exactly. If there was actually new decent gear then fine. But it’s just repeats and adding old loot back into the pool. I still also do not understand why they decided sunsetting armor was necessary either aside from a way to artificially lengthen the grind

I’ve been sitting on the sidelines watching the game now to see what Bungie does with it. The sunsetting and reissuing old loot as new just still boggles my mind. It’s pretty much keeping me away because it just seems pointless to finally get a gun you like and then have to toss it for a potentially new version of the

yeah I am not into this MP thing at all. Like if you are gonna do that why not bring back Mercenaries, or something like outbreak. This just...just no capcom. 8 looks about as expected and I’m not like shocked or anything. I keep hoping we’ll get a return to the 3rd person Re2 style games eventually ( RE2 remake is

Just.....but....why capcom....why?

This might be the unpopular opinion, but I’ve been looking for a good RPG on apple arcade. Just recently had a kid so my game time is pretty much limited to mobile. Will have to maybe sub to arcade again for this. 

I’d love to see Person of Interest made into some sort of game. It could have been something like watch dogs potentially. 

One of the things I always loved about the Sega consoles was all their arcade style games. They all had a very distinct look and feel to me and were some of my favorite types of games. Still bummed we never got Ocean Hunter on consoles

I’d LOVE to see ever blue 2 on a new console or handheld. Though right now my 2021 gaming resolution is to 1) find time to game and 2) use it wisely with shorter digestable games. In a sea of everything needs to be a million hours or more it’s hard to find bitsized stuff. Which has resulted in me playing a lot of old