
Either that or just make them full on MMOs. I’m totally cool with the model when they do it like Monster hunter world did, but I feel like that might be the anomaly. 

I feel like this whole GaaS model needs to just go away. By now anyone who buys one of these and is shocked at the state of the game at launch has no one to blame but themselves. These type of games have proven again and again that it’s just not worth it until later on in the games life cycle. Or that they should be

Man this sounds exactly like what I wanted this is great

This is exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks!

More importantly, how is the GI Joe game? I’m super curious cause I have kind of a love for these B-Tier games

this is very true. In fleet battles though I’ve been sniped from range by the raiders and star destroyers pretty frequently which is generally....grievous....I’ll see myself out. 

wait a minute I know you (lol). And if I know you, you know me, and you know that I am as guilty as you are at this. BOMBER GO WEEEEEEEEE ASPLODE

The fleet battles seem like they are pretty unbalanced against AI. Like even on easy, they just absolutely crush the my team. On the flip side when playing online I’ve been in extremely one sided as well as very close matches against other people. 

The only consoles I owned at launch were the PS2 and the Wii. Everything else was usually much later, or as a kid at christmas. (I was very fortunate to have parents that fed my hobby lol. As I at some point had an Atari 2800, NES, SNES, Saturn, Gameboy, Game gear, GBA, GBAsp, and DS lite. Everything beyond those I

I always really loved the RE2 main hall police station theme. It had this weird mix of spooky and safe all at the same time. Until they flipped that on it’s head in RE2R and Mr. X comes stomping through the main hall lol. But the soundtrack swap in that game is one of the greatest things ever. 

I mean that totally makes sense ( it does seem like a lot from what I played of it ) 

oh yeah this has also become my rule now. Time is precious. If I’m not having fun with something I don’t want to spend anymore time on it then I have to. 

I think my beef with games like this is my time is becoming more valuable and less available as I get older and have other responsibilities. So anytime something starts really slow like this I’m immediately inclined to toss it out. I’m sure it has a lot of really cool systems that you have to learn, but let me get

It’s def needed just with the place I’m currently in and all the things going on. Lots of changes and I need to focus on that stuff rather then my guardian for now. Hope you enjoy the expansion!

Mine went way down today....cause I deleted it lol. (This is not a people still play Destiny?! joke). I’m glad people are super pumped about this upcoming DLC and the changes happening. For me I think it was just time to bow out and take a VERY long break from the game. 


I totally get that. The other option could be release some multi platform cause money, but keep others exclusive. 

This is pretty wild. Curious to see what this means for the future of bethesda properties on PS. I’m guessing they will treat this like they did with Minecraft and still release on other platforms. 

oh yeah as soon as I get a chance I’m gonna be reading through that thing like crazy.

LOL I couldn’t think of any other way. It looks like there is some form of reverb/echo that the NES could use so I’d assume maybe there was something that the GB could have used, or maybe there were some synthesis tricks with decay and sustain the composer could ue to simulate it? The nuts and bolts of the audio