
hahaha I can 100000% hear this comment in my head. It also makes me think of this caveman skeeball game at our local arcade that was a really tiny skeeball machine so I could walk over to the 50 points and just chuck the ball in. Which made it repeatedly say WHOA 50 POINTS. Maximum ticket production for sure. 

I mean yeah it’s aaaaaaaaaallll over pvp, but it doesn’t seem to have quite the same power as prometheus lens did. It’s more a a nuisance then out right annoying in crucible, but man it’s fun to use in pve activites. 

UMG has always been super heavy handed. I’ve noticed they’ve been sending DMCA’s on stuff they don’t even own. I make music in my spare time and one my songs got hit on instagram. It’s 100% original too so I’m really confused why unless they went after the video clip I got from pixabay. I’ve disputed it cause it

I’ve found myself way more tired then usual. I think it’s partially cause I’ve been losing sleep from just the constant barrage of news lately about what’s going on in the US /World. It’s really bugging me. (yes I’m totally gonnag get my ass out and vote). Maybe I need to unplug for a bit. 

yeah I think that’s an important take away here. When doing mixing and mastering, you can only do so much with the material. The better the source material is the better it will ultimately sound in the end but in this case it seems like they were pretty limited based on what was sent. 

Fool me once......  I’ll probably get flamed, but it just seems like Bungie cannot stay consistent with this game at all. But I will definitely not be buying the next D2 season pass. 

The same reason Sony got marketing rights for Monster Hunter World, RE2R etc.

Social engineering most likely. You’d be surprised what you can get away with as long as you can convince someone to believe you. 

Orrrrr MS paid them for the marketing rights for those games. That’s usually how it goes with this stuff. They pay for the rights to promote it via their console. I wouldn’t put too much stock in it especially since Sony has been biding their time about the PS5. 

A mojito however sounds like a great idea right now

I just relealized I put dead kings in the wrong spot. That should be after unity, not syndicate. 

Not really no. I enjoyed Rogue, and I liked Arno in Unity, and did somewhat enjoy AC: Syndicate ( especially in the Dead Kings DLC), but after black flag it seemed like something was missing? I don’t know how to describe it really. Of course I’m also someone in the minority who was REALLY into the modern day story

Sadly no, the installation had finished. ( I checked the notifications to make sure it wasn’t just the “it’s playable” notification. ) I think it might have just been a bug. 

A new expansion is cool but I’m also getting really sick of this whole seasonal model. We don’t always need tobe 100% playing that game all the time. Just roll out an expansion from time to time. Yes there will always be a dedicated player base but it’s becoming exhausting to even consider getting one of these games

I couldn’t even get Bioshock 1 and 2 to start. I downloaded the game, loaded it up, and it immediatly hung on the title screen every single time I booted it up. Infinite is fine though. I was looking forward to replaying these games as well, but I guess that’s not gonna happen. This is stupid that it’s doing something

This is definitely an annoyance I have. Even to unlock a piece of story content they lock it behind some stupid grindy task. Just let me do the missions! If that’s all I want out of a season let me have that and not have to do a bunch of other dumb stuff I don’t want to do. 

There were a lot of main stream games made mobile. Does anyone remember the silent hill mobile games? Or silent hill orphan as it was called? 

I’m surprised I haven’t seen timesplitters on here. They had those game cartridges you could find that had arcade games in them and they were lots of fun. 

I think my biggest thing I learned is that coworkers are not always your friends. You may spend every day with these folks, and get to know them, but sometimes when the shit hits the fan it is every man for himself. And they will not give two shits about you

Star Ocean is in a weird place in a way. The first two games were fantastic and I loved them and always wanted them to get remasters for modern consoles. When SO3 came out I was really excited about but that plot twist just killed it for me. It just felt so.....stupid. Aside from that the gameplay was still great, but