
You said it my employer fired me for it. So I assumed that is on the job. They are not within Legal rights to fire you for reading it on your own time. So that invalidates the argument.

I wonder how it would look if konami licensed castlevania to say naughty dog. It would never happen but that could be pretty friggin cool I bet

That’s correct. It might violate their at work internet usage policy and then they have every right to do so.

Totally agree with you. I think they are getting censorship confused with “consequences”. In that you post videos advertisers don’t like, then they don’t want to be associated with you, hence no advertising revenue. The video remains, you just don’t get paid for it. So no one is getting censored there in that they

I love Beltre. He is hilarious.

How is peace walker I never actually played that one

Ff6 :) and of course killer instinct and the album “killer cuts”

The first time I played this was on an emulator and I loved it. It had such a great atmosphere for a 16 bit game. It was very creepy in a good way.

I keep suspecting Ortiz is juicing. I could be wrong but man it feels like it

What about all the Bravest? That’s a pretty low bar

It’s been years since I’ve played that one so I have no idea how it held up. But at the time I liked it

That was a good game!!

I am super looking forward to when you write the one about FF6 ( best one in the franchise IMO) :)

So lonely?

Def a nice salary though here (us) I'm sure it wouldn't be as much in your check due to taxes etc

Ff6, axelay, Megaman 2, super Mario 3, mega man x, contra.

Dude I LOVED Dead Aim. The whole cruise ship portion of the game was great. It had an eerie atmosphere, a unique control system with the gun and some new characters. Plus it tied in with the racoon city story. I still remember the atmosphere of it. So good

This is amazing. And also sad that people react this way. It blows my mind. Sure I’d be upset if I was really hyped for the game, but what’s a few more months considering how long you have waited.

The idea of diving on an alien planet makes me reaaaaallly consider this game