My bad read that wrong
My bad read that wrong
It was only a matter of time. :/ sucks they hit it with a cease and desist
You are not alone. Terrible story. Amazing gameplay.
Did I just walk into a bro force thread?
Is his special advisory position to teach people how to Use PEDs with minimal chance of being caught?
I was super excited about the sunfish cause I've always wanted to see a real one but that was the closest I've gotten to it lol.
You aren't the only one. I loved the action aspect of it. Plus how it brought back some of the bosses from fusion
The gravity monster lead up in metroid fusion was fantastic to me. That's my favorite game hands down. If for only the atmosphere of that game and how well it made you feel isolated.
Yes. I was geeking out while I was playing. OMG A SUNFISH OMG A HUMP HEAD WRASSE OMG A GOBLIN SHARK etc.
Wow that is super shady.....(insert joke about dome)
Take a fire time. I got it by having them strategically stand on platforms for me so I could see where I needed to go quickly. We also helped a bunch of strangers that way and they in turn stood on the platforms so we could all see them.
I can’t wait for the highest quality pixels ever
Woohoo ungreyed!
Honestly this whole thing has been fascinating to watch. It’s the largest scale instance I’ve seen of a player base turning on it’s developer. watching it all play out is very interesting. Especially the silence on the developer side.
Agreed. Especially as you get higher levels and cp10 things take like 10 balls to catch
At this point that’s what I’ve started to do with any Pokemon
Oh I do it's just everyone always seems to pile on with the disagreement. So usually that is exactly what I get
They were already on the way out when they left the console market. Like another poster said, sony and Ms pretty much put the nail in the coffin on them. I never said I’d buy EVERY Nintendo game. But Zelda? Metroid? on a non nintendo console? Totally would.
Nice!!! I have a few of those but can’t seem to find enough to get them leveled. Meanwhile I have a pretty nasty Golbat cause I have so many zubats. nanananananananana GOLBATMAN
I bought the Wii. Had fun with it, but then once I realized everyone stopped making games for it and nintendo didn’t put out much I abandoned it. Owned a DS and DS Lite. But pretty much after that and all their normal peripheral madness they go through decided their consoles are not worth it to me. Initially I only…