
Let’s not forget that ISPs like Comcast are trying to bring back data caps.

I feel console gaming is something you do as a commitment for entertainment. When gaming on a phone it could be just a one off form of playing while waiting in a line or at a family member’s home.

Because big media websites want to continue seeing big profits. So they refuse to put their big corporate partnerships [and legal status] in jeopardy by ignoring it. But the sheer quantity of streams they host and save as VODs makes moderation a big task. Even a big team of humans would struggle to make a dent. So

Twitter are a bunch of spineless cowardly techbros. Dozens of major neo-Nazi accounts can get away with anything and major hate-mongers violate the ToS every single day while keeping verified accounts. They’re hypocrites and increasingly it’s hard to explain their failures through incompetence rather than malice. Tech

Twitter is a troll and bot riddled shit hole that protects violent abusive white men over all else because they are the only ones keeping it relevant as it’s certainly not making a profit.

Everyone should leave that trash hole, you will feel better once you have.

I hear that Mar-a-Largo is looking for new business opportunities .

Stephen Miller is a dedicated public servant! I need to be able to contact him. Providing his number is a valuable public service. Otherwise, how will we find out if his refrigerator is running? Does he have Prince Albert in a can? Where am I to put all of these flaming bags of dogshit and how will these 40 Papa

Twitter is garbage and people should stop using it.

How many times is Twitter, Facebook, and the tech sector writ large going to give a barely-under-the-table thumbs up to racists, fascists, holocaust deniers, and anti-Semites before we just start openly acknowledging the constant, predictable pattern?

I *love* how those who constantly “go low” are the first ones to

You know how we can tell that social media algorithms were created almost entirely by white guys? Because women and people of color routinely have their accounts shut down for reposting abuse from white men, while the accounts that originally posted it remain up. I’m not saying they did that on purpose. I’m saying

Ding, ding, ding.

Exactly. Now if they companies who produce those containers and bags had to pay for the disposal or recycling of them, it could get interesting. It might force them into using biodegradable plastics or less plastic all-together.

Honest question: why the hell aren’t we recycling plastic here in the United States? Let me guess - there’s no money in it.

Zen is one with the payload, quite literally

When it stops being fun?

Are you imagining Steam to be some small indie that got robbed? I can’t imagine so. Which can only mean that you see the game to be some casino, cosmetic slot machine of a game. 

IBM automated genocide for the original Nazis during the Holocaust. Glad to see that some Microsoft employees don’t wish to be complicit with these latter-day Nazis.

The fact it took outrage to get companies to remove SPYWARE from their products.

Alleged no more. Their removal of the software is an admission of guilt.

I hope they get sued. This is just bullshit and doesn’t matter how innocuous it may seem. The principle and implementation is far more appalling than this particular action.