Once they got that one bug fixed on the 66, it ran for the last 21 hours issue free with competitive times. They'll get the kinks worked out.
Nike Flyknit Racer
Nike Flyknit Racer
I think you buried the lede, the White Sox actually drew a crowd large enough to (sort of) perform the wave!
I’m so sick to hear this. My heart aches for his family.
I drive to the middle of nowhere Wisconsin three times a year to watch races at Road America. I don't think that's the problem.
I was sitting down in turn 5 on the last lap, perfect timing to see Daly lose it, then stand up and turn around to see Kaffer run through the grass around 13. Great racing today.
Should have gone the Dr. Kreiger route.
Speaking of different maps of Area 51 and the Nellis Range... Has anyone ever noticed, when on Google maps earth view of Groom Lake, the little street view guy turns into a flying saucer when you drag it on to the screen?
Moving spectators around or changing barriers doesn't fix the real problem of flying cars. Do we really want cars blowing over and just hitting a bigger wall or fence?
The Bugatti Veyron. It always looked odd to me in pictures, it's so wide that I couldn't ever wrap my mind around it until I saw it in person.
Nope. Not in the least. Also, wtf is with those terrible looking fake vents on the front? Is it me or do they look crooked?
I own a 2008 Corolla, it was the first new car I ever bought and now I'm kind of embarrassed by it. I really wanted to buy a Volvo C30, but it was just out of my price range and I didn't know any better; I was young. I had just gotten rid of a 1997 Dodge Avenger which broke constantly, at my whits end, I caved and…
At first I was annoyed because I assumed this was some buzzfeed-y click bait... Now I'm genuinely interesting in wtf is going on here.
At about 2:30am my lady and I were sitting in one of the smaller bleacher sections in the infield and she somehow, without ear plugs, managed to fall asleep on my shoulder. Those bleachers were the most uncomfortable things ever.
As of last October, NASCAR and Road America were in talks to bring a race there. That one might come true.
I think a lot of these morons forgot that Malcom Subban is a member of the Bruins organization. Also, Jerome Iginla.
Brilliant satire, bravo sir.