
I demand a Wonder Chef appearance!

The "Japanese" assassin, as in the 7th picture, screams Chinese to me. The stance and clothes (note the Dragon) are clearly Chinese inspired, and yet the writing is Japanese. I guess he's just an Asian inspired assassin.

Kids really aren't taught how to properly wash their hands these days. Soap, Water, and Nails to Palm.

Just give me a mature Talim, and I'm set.

I can see using speech to direct tactics as something useful. Some will enjoy pausing and entering commands, but between speaking the line and pushing a button, I'll choose the latter.

People need to realize that at its core, LA Noire is a reinvention of a 90's adventure game. Clue seeking and interrogation seem tedious, because they are tedious; it's a detective adventure game with car chasing and shooting elements. The GTA elements are secondary.

I back-upped into Galloway since he wouldn't move after telling him to drive. He got right back up and into the car, but I was told he wasn't in condition to drive. Bullshit.

And how's CoH and Cryptic doing now? Here's the better story. Same publisher.

Reminds me of Mads Mikkelsen.

Those referring it as a console port have 1 main piece of evidence to (falsely) corroborate their claims. Apparently the game says "Please don't turn off your console" upon saving the PC version.

I'm not feeling the charm, and the animation and color remind me of horrible Saturday morning cartoons. The art style is conflicting; check out 00:57 and then two seconds later. I guess I enjoy the consistency of the artwork in Layton.

He's the owner/manager of Empire Arcadia, a group of fighting game 'pros,' if you will. At one point, Justin Wong and Marn were part of EMP. He also never takes off that Power glove, and I believe he was also the first to buy the 360 and Wii at that same Best Buy in NY.

@Deadsider: You don't know much about MvC3 then. Go watch Wednesday Night Fights, and tell me how Phoenix players, especially Clockwork, deal with getting snapped in.

People, there are INFINITES and LOOPS in MvC3. And yet, the only one that pros have been able to pull off are Magneto's. From a pro's perspective, the only unbalanced feature of MvC3 is X-factor, because it's simply too powerful at level 3. Dark Phoenix with level 3 X-Factor is ridiculous.

It would be more difficult to pull it off online than offline.

Completely agreed. Very few Asian families are willing to be Nielsen families.

Last week, I played for 2 hours on one day, and none for the rest of the week.

As an Asian American, I'd like you to refer to me as one. Unfortunately, we've been conditioned by the public and media that we're simply 'Asians.' The whole Alexandra Wallace incident might not have blown up as it did if she called out foreign students. She obviously didn't know the difference. It was also

Where exactly did they pull the data from?