
I just hope the family and especially, the mother can get through this.

Blanka, ground Ultra 2!

AI closed February 26th, and has been selling its cabs on the bemanistyle forums.

It screams, "more fun to customize than to play the actual game."

That's Celty from "Durarara!"

And the Writer's Guild Video Game Writing Award goes to....

If you've played Game Dev Story, I think we can agree that it's much more deserving of the award than Angry Birds. It was the first time I've sunk over 5 hours on a casual game. More progression, more storyline, more engaging, and more "skill." The fact that it isn't as successful as Angry Birds is irrelevant.

@Bench.: More characters, more stages, more balanced, and more people playing Super.

@DrZaius: Because mashing the two currently most popular fighting franchises is a poor decision, right? That obviously wouldn't sell.

Now playing

@SixTwoSixFour: You list Uryo, and while I agree that he's terrifying, I find Mago and Tokido to be better players. I'd even throw GamerBee, an Adon player from Taiwan, up there.

You just ate my childhood.

meh, I can say that I want Tales of Destiny Remake or Director's Cut remade on the PSP.

@metaXzero: I'm not sure what SSFIV you're playing, but I can only FADC twice with full meter, seeing as a full meter is 4 bars, not 6. Desk only uses FADC twice during the entire combo anyways.

@RunningWildVidya: I know. Doesn't change the fact that they're new to SSFIV.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: A beefed-up version of Akuma already exists in the arcade mode of SSFIV. That's why this new Akuma is being given a different name.

Dive kicks and Genei Jin custom combos galore. Let's get this party started. New variations of Ryu and Akuma are only there to sweeten the deal.

@Taggart451: Android Fragmentation. Google it.

@Killer Toilet: I'm from the West Coast, and I've never heard of this chain. All we have in the Bay Area are Borders and B&N.

@Tanneseph: No one disagrees with your assessment of AC, but AC2 is a drastic improvement. Many problems with the first are solved in the second. I wouldn't recommend the first, but definitely would the second. AC1 doesn't represent the series; it was a base upon which was improved in AC2. However, if neither of you