
Man, that's my section in #26, Capcom and ArenaNet/NCsoft..

And I thought we already had a character with a dive kick and Genei Jin..

I'm so playing a Shiba.

I hold my JLF between my middle and ring fingers, and I agree with Daigo that it isn't completely ideal for SF, but I mainly play charge characters, and he mainly plays command characters.

Uh, so what's different between this and the current Android My Verizon app?

As someone who grew up in Palo Alto.. WHAT? Palo Alto allowed Gamestop build a store downtown!?!

Nice write-up Mike.

I've been waiting for some Guild Wars 2 coverage. There have been quite a few videos and info on GW2Guru, but I'd like to see some professional journalism on the matter.

Seth gets his just desserts.

I mean, you have Duds with target combos, so why not?

HPOA confirmed.

@cainxavier: You don't understand much if you didn't hear Mike O'Brien say "persistent world." Also, it has been confirmed since GW2 was announced.

Last seconds of the video. UNDERWATER.

And here I thought P90X was hardcore.

@mahern4: I love it when ski gets hype.

@Ackers Eats Crackers: Welcome to Taiwanese television. I hated it when my parents would watch shows like this.

Hell, it's not yet time.

Eh, I haven't even bothered to buy the 2nd set of alts yet.

Shame it's not Capcom vs. Namco. I really wanted to see some other franchises represented, such as the Tales series. Well, I still want my CvS3.