
Whomever Capcom adds, honestly won't be great. See: Ibuki, Guy, Cody, Makoto, T.Hawk, Dudley, Hakan, DeeJay, & Adon (I'd call GamerBee an aberration until I see another top player maining him.).

No event in South Korea? Consider me a little shocked, if I may. When is the release date there?

Put Ninomiya Kazunari in any drama, and you'll have a cult following. Put him in a live adaptation of an anime, and well, you've got the best of two worlds. Keep an eye on Matsuyama Kenichi. I loved him in Zeni Geba


@mrchomicz: Whether or not he has used the phone is a moot point. No one can agree that Apple handled the situation correctly. Get off your high horse.

@emuneee: I've used the DX myself, and no, it honestly isn't as poor as he makes it out to be. I'd say the DX is nearly right up there with the Evo but better than the Incredible.

@Fuzzy Logic: Take it however you want, but this Giz review of the DX is the first I've read to be so negative. Unless you live by Giz reviews, I'd go read the Engadget one as well. It doesn't seem so overbearingly biased.

@Batman: Guild Wars has had pets since it's beta in early 05, I believe.

I absolutely love watching Vance, and I've actually played him once and got trashed. As for EVO, I didn't like how Ricky immediately counterpicked Chun instead of sticking with Rufus at first. However, it gave him the best chance at winning, and it served him well.

Okay, it sounds like ArenaNet is getting away from the mechanics that made the original great. Players loved the death penalty system with instance-based missions. Warriors were the DPS machine. If you tanked as a warrior, you were doing it all wrong. Each class had its own role in the team, and I'm not sure how GvG

I guess I'll never understand why people even play games on their phones.

@Sam VanDerlip: This is exactly why I'm keen on the Droid X instead of the Incredible at the moment. Moto has already announced Flash and Froyo for DX in August.

@vinod1978: Sorry, but how exactly do the aesthetics of the interface affect the experience? Frankly, I'd have a better experience on the faster OS/UI. The UI can always be always changed to your preference, anyways.

@Kyderdog: How does that analogy even work? The Kin failed, but it was partially Verizon's doing. If the Zune ever fails, it'll be MS's fault all the way. The Zune's still alive and kicking, and the ZuneHD is one of the best PMPs on the market today.

@dfxdeimos: I'm sure they would switch to another carrier, but they're bound by the two year contract they signed and would have to pay an exorbitant fee for early termination.

My favorites this year have been: Mass Effect 2

Meh. I'll need to hear about the plotline and understand the battle mechanics before I'll say anything. Eternal Sonata was a beautiful game, even better graphics-wise than this, but man, people hated its linearity.

"glossy finish give it a more refined look. It's not, however, perfect."

@RockyRan: Your reasoning sounds naive to me. I honestly believe the quality of the standard service will gradually wane. It's inevitable. You have players paying an additional fee. They'll want more and more exclusivity, leaving the standard service less and less.