
@SanaEquiesterer: If you have a SFIV save file on your hard drive, you will have access to colors 11 and 12, two filters that'll make your character either look inked or hand drawn. That's it. No reason to keep your copy.

Sounds like some 3S characters that didn't make it into SSFIV might come to MvC3 instead.. perhaps?

Confirm a release date, and I'll do it.

@XForce: 12 month XBL cards are currently $30 on Dell's online store. I'll spend the extra $5 for a year's access. You can pay $205 for the mount and a year of WoW. But you're right, it's all about using your money wisely. Especially with the current status of the economy.

@TheUndead: Pull away? Soul Silver is second with Heart Gold in 5th. That's a total of 1,781,200, and a difference of 681,200 compared to GoW3. Sorry.

@Powersupply: Really? That's $25 on top of the $15 a month you're paying. It makes the argument about paying for Xbox Live a joke.

Being able to use flash drives is great, but here's a question: If a 16GB flash drive will run you forty bones, isn't the 250GB HDD at $130 more GB per dollar, and therefore a better deal? I mean, if you're not looking to transport saves from one 360 to another, (and I can't believe I'm saying this) it seems the 250GB

@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: I'll take CvS3 over MvC3 any day, but I guess since MvC2 is still played in tournaments, it's a better choice. I hope we at least receive a CvS2 port some time soon.

My favorite way to eat avocadoes:

I'm liking this version much more. I'd never buy one of these, but I'd wait on the paint job before making any decisions.

I'm expecting something promising either from this or MS's event at MWC. Hopefully both. Don't fail me now, Microsoft.

@Strangelove: Reread the last part. Forum poster, not the developer.

Well, take a look.

Well, Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. I believe games were also made from Murder on the Orient Express and Evil Under the Sun.

Let's see.. School Days' notorious ending paired with that contraption.. I'd rather not take my chances.

If this is going to be similar to ESPN 360, don't underestimate it. ESPN 360 covers nearly everything. I just found out my school gets it for free, and I checked it out yesterday while watching the Australian Open. ESPN 360 covered nearly every court at the Aussie Open, a majority of collegiate basketball worth

@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: It looks like MarkMan liked arthong's full plexi without the bezel and implemented the concept in this design. I'm surprised MadCatz didn't include a piece of plexi on top.

@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: I love the look too, but I feel that start button is just terribly out of place. Additionally, from what I've seen, the bottom of the stick extends over the sides.

First of all, the stick was made for tournament play, so it's obviously suited to bring to tournaments. While playing a tourney match, if you ever hit the start/home button or somehow pause the game, you're disqualified for that round, which is obviously something you'd rather not have happen to you. That's why the

While I can understand what the therapist's trying to do.. I can't help but wonder if Blizzard would donate accounts that would help it lose customers.