
@-Skyline-: I got in too! It's like.. we're family! XD

Please lower the prices on 120GB HDDs.. I only have room to install two games with my 20GB one.

@Shteve: How about the battle systems? From linear to 3-lines, to complete 3D.. I mean, c'mon, it's not like FF has strayed off its original path. I still fall asleep during FF's but not any of the Tales series.

Woo, David Choi!

Kamera ga arimasen! Shippai.

More puzzles to stump friends with. Nice.

Very nice and it's a physical copy. I was positive they weren't going to do anything. I love the work Sakuraba does for Tales games, so I'm pumped.

@Akisazame: Go import ToDR or ToD:DC. You don't even need to know Japanese to get through the game. Just go to GFAQs and everything is translated for you. I've found sites with scripts and menu translations.

@ConAtellus: Tales of Symphonia was also released on the PS2 only in Japan. That's what Kobun's referring to.

Wow, talk about putting last names adjacent to last names. Huang Lee? Wu Lee? Could RockStar have at least opened up the Yellow Pages to check if any Chinese were named this way? Plus, a lot of Chinese "first" names have two parts (characters).

Screw saline or silicone, we're going with these. Cheap breast implants.

"work that hoe"

Hi-Chew for the win!

@Peffse: Check out the Tales series, you won't regret doing so. There's at least one Tales game per console besides the PS3 and original Xbox.

Get a netbook instead.

@maraxusofk: Well, a free WoW with great PvP wouldn't be so bad, would it?

@maraxusofk: It still is deep and balanced, however Rebel Rising [rawr] has been completely dominating the monthly tournaments.

I'm a Guild Wars vet. I first played in the January Beta.

GJ Mark Thomas..

@phinehas: It's nothing new. Vesperia is on the 360 and same goes for quite a few Squenix games and other JRPGs.