
I like how some PS3 fanboys claim a $150 fighting stick is worth it while they continue to refute XBL's price tag.

@seafisch: Well, I'd rather meet Sharapova, but that's not happening.

As much as I'd like to meet Djokovic, I wouldn't pay for the ticket. Screw the Wii Sports, I'd rather just talk to the guy and have him do some of his impersonations. Look it up on youtube if you don't know what I'm talking about. It won't be funny if you don't know tennis players though.

Wish they'd add how many were surveyed.

Grown men care about RC cars?

This is why you don't sell over craigslist and such. People pulling guns on you.

Don't you wish your 360 was hot like me?

@JokesJokes: They've taken Christmas into their own hands and have their own variation of it. But generally, yes, they do give presents to each other around the same season as we do.

Mabo Curry's the last recipe you can get in Tales of Vesperia; you have to unlock all recipes before receiving it. It restores 25% HP and 25% TP. I've had mabo tofu and curry, but never the two together.. I should try it sometime.

So the only surviving NCSoft MMOs are Guild Wars, CoH/CoV, and Lineage I/II, besides Aion? They could have thrown in one of those 3 campaign trials for GW. Surprised that they offered something from all of their games besides GW..

Well, I'll be honest and say that if I can find a good deal on a Wii, I'll be purchasing one.

Ugh, can't stand the combat system. Too slow for my tastes. SO4 please.

Is this supposed to be a shock? If you have nothing to do in WoW until CotLK, why would you keep your subscription running? Go find some other game to play, and when CotLK comes out, you go back. I don't find this shocking.

I'll save my money for one of those Leon/Lion figures or hell, even one of those CG:R2 Kallen ones.

@Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science.: Yes, but you can't be telling me that a gun can't be put somewhere in that bag with ALL of those pockets. Look at the pics of the bag carefully.

Or she could put the gun in that messenger bag of hers.. ya know, the one that Gamestop replicated and is giving away with a pre-order?

Ugh, don't defile my Clannad.

@DanTheMagnum: It's not a "living in Canada" issue. The closest Wal-Mart to me is a 15 minute drive, but it's not 24/7 nor is it one of those Wal-Marts with a supermarket or whatever inside.