
Oh yeah, I know that type. Though in Adventurer’s League, the DM should have shut down the attempt to attack another PC (it’s in the AL rules—you straight up can not attack party members for any reason. Acting against party interests is grounds for kicking them out of the game far as Wizard’s concerned).

I know this is going to be said about a thousand times, but it needs to be said; I have had way, wayyyyy more experiences with problem players and the ‘Chaotic Neutral’ alignment then I’ve ever had with Lawful Good jerks.

I’d argue that alignment is misunderstood far, far worse than any generic ‘Lawful Stupid Paladin’

I know people are giving you shit and ‘just play bots’ but you know, it’s kind of missing the point isn’t it?

I mean, one of the chief appeals of playing games like this—and I hate to compare Magic the Gathering because it’s overdone but let’s bring it up, is that the game is social. I can pop in a local gamestore and

Also “People get placed radically differently on alt accounts.” Like—there seems to be a pretty simple explanation. It’s called ‘small sample size?’ You have a hot streak on your alt account, so you end up higher; play it enough and it’ll probably settle back down.

So... it’s the plot of X-men Apocalypse, only with Apocalypse being replaced with ‘Sofia Boutella in a Mummy costume’ and Charles Xavier replaced with Tom Cruise?

And ‘secure kill’ in this case means in such a way as they can’t escape around a corner or wall. A good example would be Tracer, who if darted, is going to be spam-blinking out of there (and will probably have at least a charge or two), so line up a headshot and one-shot her instead of just spamming fire at her (so

“This is no ordinary leafy mouse.”

I love everything about this line.

“For sure, Dragon Maid has some glaring flaws, like the fan service,” he said. “But that’s just part of the industry as a whole, what the market demands. . .”

That’s one of those statements I keep hearing repeated but never see actually proven or disproven one way or another, not the least of which because it’s

I’d be really curious to know the breakdowns of time spent versus amount for Destiny ‘earned’ and whether it was worth it in the long run (the caveat being a lot of people who were nearly done or done with WoW might have just dumped their characters’ wallets into token buying to bank later. Since getting enough gold

So here’s a fun PC question: Apparently there are perks/weapon mods in-game that ping off of the console’s auto aim (such as improvements to auto aim/sticky targeting). How’s that going to interact with PC, where sticky-targeting /aim assist are not things the community typically looks for?

I remember when knowing such blisteringly esoteric factoids like ‘Comic book twists are usually bullshit’ made me feel special too.

You just hang on to that feeling, buddy.

Let me take the opportunity to undercut this idea though; we only know he ‘loved’ her because that’s what he told Quill. He also explained to Quill that the reason he sent the Ravagers for him was that he couldn’t bear to set foot on the planet.

Except this is not the first time the Ravagers have brought a kid to Ego.

Wait, does this mean there were Transformers for the civil war too?

Is there a Decepticon who has really strong feelings about a Confederate Flag? Does he disguise himself as an old pick up truck and drive dudes to Confederate Flag rallies?

...Does the robot himself wear a trucker hat?

Who am I kidding, this is a

So, at the risk of straight up projecting, I’m gonna make a point here; Spoilers, obviously.

Ego didn’t love ‘his River Lily’. He didn’t give a shit about her. He basically told Quill a lie.

It’s made abundantly clear to us throughout the film that Ego is a lying shit. He’s emotionally manipulative; he murdered a

“Unbelieveably stupid from a logic standpoint” is a weird stand to take in a game in a game where one guy comes into battle in a hockey uniform, rollerblades, and with a gun that shoots weaponized wubs.

“Once upon a time, Denino was a streamer who mostly sat in his apartment and played old-school fantasy MMO Runescape.” 

I like how I can read that and go “Oh god, Runescape. This is going to get so much worse.”

I don’t think I’ve met a single Runescape player that wasn’t a ball of congealed hate and nastiness.

Those bands are coming to California eventually. The sheer volume of data they can extract from those things will see to that.

I dunno. In a country where planes exist, are there remote towns?

Well, yeah. People naturally are going to gravitate towards areas where there is something to concentrate around, such as resource opportunity or social centers or... whatever. Other people, for one reason or another, will find the concentration of

Honestly, the more complex and variable a system is, the more you should push towards simpler solutions, precisely because the more variables there are, the harder and more arbitrary they are going to be to weigh. If a system is more complex, the answer isn’t ‘add even more data and variables!’ because you can cause

In game-terms it’s basically a tiny Star Destroyer drag racer—very glass cannon ship, which kinda makes sense for a spec ops style Imperial squad!