
The first thing that came to mind when you mentioned it was the opening line of Starcraft 2, which actually contains the phrase: It’s time to kick this Revolution into overdrive! A line that somebody put on paper and then other people said yes and noooooobody stopped them.

Coulson died IN A MOVIE. Avengers, what’s your point?

I’m glad you brought that up, because that’s exactly my same problem with the first video. Up until that point, the short is fine, but that line runs into the same problem: It doesn’t even make sense in the context of the scene it’s in (His first view of the world and he’s being reminded to see it for ‘what it could

Eh, the comparison I draw is that Overwatch is intentionally channeling the Silver Age comic book era: Think Justice League International or to a lesser extent Claremont’s X-men (which was much sillier than most people remember, complete with Leprechauns and Dracula showing up at one point). The thing is, you can

Blizzard needs to learn less is more when it comes to dialogue.

“Marvel listens to its fanbase too much, and they refuse to definitively kill off any character”

Because... other comics don’t have this problem?

Hey, didn’t Superman die in the comics a while ago? And Batman? And Martian Manhunter, and Hal Jordan, and Barry Allen... well, you get the idea.

(And yet Ted Kord is still

...Phil died in a film, dude.

Thor’s mother, Coulson (if we don’t get to count TV we don’t really count TV bringing them back, do we?), Groot (yeah I know, he got better. Welcome to comic books.) As you mentioned, Quickersilver (you can argue it’s half-assed all you want—it is, really— but it still happened, still a core member of the classic

Batman v Superman (or BvS for short) is a beautiful antidote for our addiction to the comical superhero film. It is a bleak, confident take...”

It isn’t confident of nearly anyone in it’s roster, save maybe Wonder Woman—and maybe that’s just because she didn’t get enough actual plot time.

The entire crux of this film

Jessica Jones is an order of a magnitude darker than anything in BvS, on top of it.

‘A bunch of in-jokes that are only sort of funny if you’ve been playing World of Warcraft or Warcraft-adjacent products, probably for years.’

That’s fine, but you have to understand the creative team behind Axanar were playing with fire the second they started throwing around the words ‘professional studio’ or even ‘More than a fan film.’ From the rights’ holder perspective, allowing that to pass could set an incredibly dangerous precedent. Any start-up

“Where has a studio ever swooped in to prevent the completion of a fan film ever before ?”

IIRC, said Necromancer was using the actual war to do his own thing, it wasn’t explicitly tied to it, because... well, that’d be a hell of a lot more gross. (Maybe not best to bring Dresden up considering that it’s had a Skinwalker or two of its own, to say nothing of a little cultural stereotyping).

You realize that the art team and the design team are probably separate, right?

“Guys, I know the third Hunger Games kind of bombed and every other film that tried to capitalize on the series success has bombed so hard the international space station checked with command to make sure everything was okay, but this time, this time for sure.”

How hard would it be to, instead of animating it all, just describe the events that are happening to the audience over audio? That way you don’t have to draw anything at all whatsoever and we can all just imagine what the film is like using the power of power of imagination. I’m sure I couldn’t tell the difference (as

I mean, he’s originally a character that went to work for the Hellfire club specifically to pay to help take care of his family and when he found out they were evil went to the X-mansion to personally apologize.

Cannonball is the god-damn best.

Mid/Late Game Advice: Always take Shredder on Grenadiers, and generally work with at least one, but preferably a pair of them. Late game emphasizes armor considerably and several enemies that absolutely can not get a turn to do horrible things typically have a boatload of armor. Grenade-spam is an option, but if you

Point taken.