EvanSei has a star

It is really nice that they will be supporting touch gestures on the trackpad, but that leaves me with a few questions.

Well, when there was a tower there that is.

I would be a liar if I said that didn't look like a worthwhile thing to be doing. By that I mean, damn that looks fun.

That's too bad. If it is anything like the video you posted a year or so ago of that big ol gun in your profile picture that would have been awesome.

Good sir, how dare you not film this for our enjoyment!

Do I have a smart phone? Of course I do! I love it, not because I need it but because I like it. I, as well as many others could use a "dumb phone" daily with little to no issue. To many people a smart phone is nothing but a luxury item. While you do obviously need a smart phone for what you do, it is important to see

All I can say about this is HOLY CRAP! It is awesome. Honestly, I love it.

My money, take it.

I hate that you are right. damn loopholes and greedy people.

So essentially Mr. Denton is confirming what star commenters and grays alike have been preaching since the redesign. How very sad.

Never, I have an unlimited plan through t-mobile. That does not make much a difference at to how much I talk on the phone though. Anywho, I honestly don't much mind people talking on the phone in public. I usually don't do it myself unless I am strolling down the street alone, but that is just my opinion.

It is longer mainly because it is reposted from another blog. Not that I am complaining.

Not at all. The facebook group comes close, but it's not the same.

Agreed, I find myself coming here less and less often as more writers leave. I on occasion read a Jesus post, but that is about it. #whitenoise is what I swing by for most of the time.

As someone whom I considered one of the great writers from the old days, you will be missed.

At first I was going to be a tad bit annoyed that you posted something like this. And then I noticed that it is nothing more than the interstate highway system. Not a bad read all in all. Honestly, I would like to hear more about the trucks though and less about the route, but that is just a personal thing.

Wikipedia would have to disagree with you. Depending on how you see wikipedia this may or may not change your stance. [en.wikipedia.org]

And reposted to MSNBC by a former gizmodo editor at that. Just shows the direction of things. I won't say if it is good or bad, but I bet you can catch my feelings.

I do hope that what you are saying here is fact. Honestly if this were to be true, it would be one of the cooler things I have ever heard of. I wish there was video of these little guys floating about though.

I go fishing on sharp rocks, hiking in the woods, work in a shop and a few other phone endangering things. Case, case, and always case.