Ev G

Oh man, no mugshot? I was really hoping to see a drug-addeled crazy person’s picture in this article.

Yeah but hey it’s the internet and just calling things good never gets you as many clicks as finding something to complain about. That stirs up way more shit.

I’m literally sitting in my office as we speak listening to people complain about how this thing looks even though they religiously drive whatever is available through the company lease program. I think it’s handsome enough, but don’t care anyway because I have no kids and a very tight driveway.

Truer words...

VWG is a pretty massive company by any standard, let along compared to Tesla, employing something like half a million people (including contractors). They definitely have more buying power when dealing with suppliers of components. Or they could be developing their own solution - also because they have way more

If you think New Jerseyans love Jersey Shore you must not know very many of them... 

Tell it!

Sounds good to me. This behavior is in line with how I imagine most of the population would react if they faced similar circumstances. You barely have time to thing; quick, try to maybe save some unfortunate strangers, or try to save your own life... I’m probably choosing me every time honestly, and I’d want my car to

Ooof! That’s fucking sexy.

Hey you clicked, and therefore validated this. Isn’t half the stuff we look at online more or less; “that’s fucking despicable and everyone involved should be ashamed! ...Now play it again in slow-mo 5 times.”

Doesn’t seem much different from what passes for “news” on the big networks. “Guy gets shot for no reason very far away from you and anyone you know”... “What deadly poison is hiding in your child’s favorite toys (0.001% of the time)?”... “San Diego man terrorizes neighborhood in homebuilt offroader”... “Known tanning

At first Bugatti’s PR said that they needed to approve our questions for Netuschil. Then they said that they didn’t like our questions, because Netuschil’s English isn’t very good. Then they said that it was difficult to schedule an interview because of the (six hour) time difference between here and Germany.

Spy shot of actual production model:

I haven’t read this piece yet, save for the headline. But I just wanted to take a moment and express to you my deepest, most sincere gratitude for putting “source colon” at the BEGINNING of the headline.

Wow, I feel like it takes some balls to tell Jalopnik you can’t drive stick. Should really learn though. What if there’s a zombie apocalypse and the only roadworthy vehicle nearby happens to be a manual? Or what if you want to bore all of your non-car-loving friends explaining how much more engaging it is than just

I really like yer name.

Yep, I used to eat sleep and breathe those games. Now... I don’t even remember the name of the last one I played, just couldn’t get into it.

No yeah that’s true, isn’t it?

Yeah no. This is one situation where a high profile individual and his family are excused from all public-facing “responsibilities” they may have had. They’re trying to come to grips with the fact that their once vibrant son is now likely somewhat of a vegetable, so maybe we could all excuse them from seeing that his

This looks remarkably similar to the hilarious intra-company e-mails that you find on random terminals in Fallout.