Ev G

The only thing I disagree with is the word “cause”. There’s not even a chance for ambiguity like Tesla’s autopilot, which may or may not have been a factor in a couple recent crashes... This is 100% down to driver behavior. So, let’s instead wait for the first idiot to cause a crash because he/she rationalized his/her

This right here is a very good point.

I just found this link while sifting through an old PC... I really need to have 1600x900 versions of every single one of these images like right meow. Pls?

Let me first say that I have no problems at all with being required to put a helmet on while driving at the track. However I like it the way it is. I like that trust is placed in the hands of the random citizenry who show up there to drive safely and responsibly, and that 99.99% of the time, it works and nobody gets

I thought it’s only a humblebrag if the person goes a little out of their way to do it? The topic was people getting kidnapped in Brazil so they mentioned their familiarity with the risk of kidnapping in Brazil. No story about that’s gonna involve a broke middleclass person who lives on Ramen and never travels because

Vault Tec Workshop for FO4 comes out tomorrow as well.

Totally misread your question when I replied earlier. No, you’re definitely not alone in being very bothered by that.

Oh wow I misread the question and didn’t even notice that. Definitely disturbing.

You sound exactly like me when I bought my s13 in ‘05. I’m just pointing out how so many of these cars meet their demise because of people who don’t know what they’re doing. Go ahead and motor swap one of these cars, drive it around through the summer with no AC, then the winter with the interior gone.

The effectiveness of the flags is basically down to how quick the marshalls can get to the scene. If it’s on the exit of tone of the many blind corners then it takes extra time to get to the other side of the apex and make them visible to approaching drivers and a lot can happen in that amount of time.

They don’t require them and very few people who aren’t in highly modified machines or open top vehicles (and bikes of course) wear them at the ‘Ring.

Nope. You can show up to the Nordschleife with anything street legal and have a lap. It’s a public toll road when open for “tourist driving days” so no additional safety equipment required.

No. He’s rich. I get mine at Costco.

Hate to break it to you, but if you’re driving a car made this century or would like to, you don’t really have a choice. Fortunately they really only ever get used when someone needs to get sued/billed for medical costs/property damage and people need to figure out who was at fault. Not like they’re spying on us all

Nah, sounds about right to me.

The guy just has absolutely nothing interesting to say about cars. And if he did it would still be unbearable because of his... fucking everything. How did he become a radio personality to begin with? Was the gain on his mic just turned wayyy down the whole time or something? Does the volume on UK radios only go up to

Can confirm. Only place I’ve ever seen them in the US is in Philly, driven by dudes with unkempt beards wearing their girlfriend’s jeans.

Man, I thought I was reading a Gawker piece for a second... Don’t know if I’ve ever seen incompetent-old-white-journalist-bashing of this magnitude anywhere else.

You answered your own question: It’s fun.

I took an ‘05 Cavalier that had been nearly totaled due to a front end hit, from my neighbor’s kid for $100. I finished the job by spinning it into a curb a few weeks later at 50mph. Oops, forgot to check the tread depth... There wasn’t any. But in those few weeks it was honestly a blast to drive because I gave no