Ev G

Thanks, this was a great read! Adding it to the list of “when I finally make it to Japan...”

Yeah, but there’s no shortage of annoying idiots doing it wrong at any car-related event. They just come in different flavors.

Some people just hate fun, man.

Check out r/niceguys or r/justneckbeardthings if you want to see a scary number of examples of this type of thinking. Some are hilarious. Some you feel just a little bit sorry for. Others are just plain disturbing.

I completely understand if people think the car doesn’t look amazing... I just don’t understand why they think the best way to make it prettier is by adding a useless fake version of a feature that exists purely for functional reasons. There’s other stuff you can do to the front of a car to change its appearance;

You want a tailpipe too? How about a catalytic converter while he’s at it? Maybe a huge hump in the floor as well?

Seriously. Let’s say he only does like 5% of the shit he says he’ll do, and some of it happens a year or two after it was supposed to happen... But compare the stuff he’s actually done to the accomplishments of, oh I dunno, anyone alive at the moment... I’d say he does ok. It’s not like he’s some con artist selling

So who’s allowed to ride a cruiser? Former competitors in the World’s Strongest Man competition?

My favs were the ones from the early days of the series who obviously had no idea what the show was about or why they were there, like Lionel Richie.

After a year here, I’d agree with that.

Little known fact: Kim Jong Un’s numerous claims about his regime and its accomplishments are more truthful than most claims about how great New York is.

I once rode in the passenger seat of a Boxster driven by my friend who knew a guy that worked at a Porsche dealership as we followed a car hauler with a 959 on it. Totally nutted. The truck was actually hard to keep up with because of the improved aerodynamics from having the 959 on the trailer. /s

Wait a sec, I thought Chris Evans was Captain America...

He knows, man. Just take his word for it.

“What we DO know, is that she did 107mph BECAUSE of Snapchat.”

“If you think the girl would’ve drove 113mph without the snapchat filter as motivation, then you might have a point, but I don’t think she would’ve.”

I’ve gotta disagree. I suppose it can’t really be proven because no one can say for sure what went through the speeding girl’s head... But if she were indeed only attempting to get the picture to show off to her friends as the lawsuit claims, she’s likely the kind of person who would have eventually found some other

Dear Model 3, never change. Your nose is just fine; you don’t even actually want a different nose. You’re just feeling the pressure from a society that’s used to the old standards of design necessitated by silly internal combustion engines. Just be yourself. That pretty little range-improving nose is part of what

The obstacle avoidance testing is definitely valid, but as far as this decision tree issue, I think it will be a while longer before the cars get smart enough to actually have to tackle ethical issues on the fly.

Yeah, I don’t remember the last time I was in a Chrysler, but I’m guessing most have electric parking brakes at this point anyway, which makes it super easy to implement.