
Being relevant to fewer people does not make them of no relevance. They might not be relevant to you, but they are still relevant to some people. It's an opinion. Besides, I was still on the subject of comic strips. I couldn't care less about newspapers.

They still exist. In newspapers, online, and in printed collections. Relevant is a matter of opinion.

I go with "comic books" because "comics" can also mean "comic strips". I go with "video games" because "games" can also mean "board games". But, I also don't care if people look at me like I need to grow up.

I agree with you, but at the same time there is nothing inherently "kiddie" about "comic books" and some people still feel a need to call them "graphic novels".

The only thing that makes me doubt that McDonald's food is rot-proof is that Morgan Spurlock says it is. I just can't believe anything the man says.

In the land of the geldings, the one inch man is king.

1993, if memory serves. It tested in certain markets for less than a year and never got a wide release. I loved it.

I drank a 3 liter of Jolt in '95. I still have a twitch.

Most managers I've had have taken "shit runs downhill" as their personal creed. Over the years I've made a hobby of shoveling it right back up at them. Granted, you often get hit with it twice, but so do they. Eventually their boss gets tired of it and, since executives consider managers as disposable as managers

It doesn't need internet access. Overhead projectors, Viewmasters, Lite Brite... Somewhere out there is a man who is very excited by the 80085 on his calculator.

Fines and community service are for minor crimes like smashing a mailbox or stealing billions of dollars through stock market manipulation.

I would say that the original crime of making their employees hand out counterfeit bills barely qualified as a scam, but it stepped up to a grift when they brought in phony cops to keep things going.

The details are what make a grift good. Of course, I'll be eating crow if it turns out that getting arrested for this stupid crime was just step one in a long con meant to use the press to establish Taco Bell as an abusive workplace, create a union, install their secret partner as union boss, gain a foothold in every

Back on the first hand, does anyone love a terrible grift?

If air can get in, air can get out. It would pretty much defeat the entire purpose.

I would say that Doctor Who started out as an attempt at an educational children's show and has become a general audiences show over time. That's why the two spin-offs hit both ends of the spectrum with an adult-audience Torchwood and full-on kid's show with The Sarah Jane Adventures. Spinning Torchwood off of a

True. It's a department by department issue. If the police department holds its officers to a high standard, they allow for no bad cops whatsoever. If the police department looks the other way, they have nothing but bad cops. There really isn't much of a middle ground. They either protect and serve the people or they

The cardboard holder may not be durable, but it's more than durable enough for its purpose. This thing seems about as useful as a cast-iron cereal box.

Don't forget the nation wide country-cop pastime of tailgating people until they speed up for their own safety and then pulling them over for speeding. They've got to break up the boredom somehow.

Good cops who side with the bad cops are known as "bad cops".