
Safest =/= safe. If a coma patient pissed himself near the wrong cop he would end up shot six times. The official story would be that his wet pants caused suspicion of him being intoxicated, was non-compliant with the officer's demand that he put his hands on his head, and then went for the officer's gun.

I'm hoping for the return of Evil Genius. I'm fearing a freemium version of Dr Brain.

I have to disagree about Sega CD Smokescreen. The Sega Genesis, CD, and 32x Transformers need to be Spectro, Spyglass, and Viewfinder. Or three others who combine, if you so choose.

Now playing

Please note that the only one to speak got beaten worst of all.

My intent wasn't to disagree with your opinion. As I said further down the thread, I rarely ever use email and could care less who sees the few I send. My point was that, as you said, many people think it's an invasion of privacy and as long as people feel that way there will still be an issue with them doing this.

Some kids may learn that lesson. Others learn that being shamed sucks and stop humiliating people. I was the latter. It seems you were the former. At any rate, I'm willing to give this parent the benefit of the doubt and assume she knows her kid better than you do. The bottom line is, no one here knows the personality

No it isn't. Shame and violence are as different as pride and masturbation.

Yes. Not that terms of service mean much in particular. Frankly, I don't care if they read my emails either. I send around six a year and those are mostly just because I want to remind someone of something without waking them up by calling/texting. I really don't have a dog in this fight. I only object to people

That's not all you have to do. You have to let them look through everyone's emails. Unless everyone else has unanimously agreed to let you decide for them, your approval does very little to resolve the issue.

I would say that whether publicly shaming her kid was okay or not would depend on what her kid did. If the "disrespectful behavior" was private the punishment probably should have been too. If she was, for example, being disrespectful on Facebook I see no problem with her punishment also being on Facebook.

As are the unique symbols on the bindings. From the bananas on The Little Man Inside Me to the 69s on The Wyld Little Stallyns.

It's always the second Springfield to come to my mind. The first was Cobra Headquarters in the old G.I. Joe comics. Both franchises chose the name Springfield because there are so many Springfields it's basically generic. It doesn't hurt to specify.

I really don't get why people insist on tipping based on a percentage of their total order. A waiter who brings you a piece of toast is doing the same work as one who brings you a steak. Why not tip based on how much they actually do? If they have to make several trips to your table for food and refills they've earned

I want to see a version of Ghostbusters where the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is replace by Twinkie the Kid. Not only did Egon set it up when he said "Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie...

If you were discussing the pros and cons of implementing a tariff on imports of curried sheep testes, I've had that dream.

It's not contrary at all. You always survive in your universe. The alternate yous that died are not in your universe. If you survived in every universe we'd all be immortal.

This is why I don't care for the Simpsons Legos. Fat Simpson heads on skinny Lego bodies just emphasizes how fat they aren't. The Blob, here, would actually look bigger with a smaller head, IMO.

No. Physched. It's when you're so excited you schedule an appointment with your physician for immediately before the event to make sure your heart can take it.

UPDATE: Discussion about this piece has turned into an argument about whether Max Temkin has a right defend himself, especially if he is wrongly accused. Of course he does, and I never meant to imply that he does not. He and his accuser are both innocent until proven guilty. They both deserve empathy and none of us