
I stand corrected. It's sometimes hard to tell whether things split east/west or north/south when you always travel diagonally.

The Avengers 2 version is should endorse Wendy's just to fuck with people.

It's only a Hardee's logo north of the Mason-Dixon.

While I appreciate the Schmidt Index, it feels incomplete. When the weatherman tells you the temperature, he tells you the actual temperature and the heat index/wind chill. You know what it is and what it feels like. The Schmidt Index needs to give you the pain rating and a swarm factor. A fire ant may only be a 1.2,

The NYPD thinks that FDNY are a bunch of wannabe heroes who don't even face real threats like armed crazies. FDNY thinks NYPD are wannabe heroes who try to avoid real danger instead of rushing in like they do. It's really no different than in high school when the football players would fight the wrestlers. Dickhead

Fighting that isn't actually harmful could be seen as a byproduct of learning how to beat suspects without leaving physical evidence of brutality.

Are you enjoying the comment where the commenter is complaining about reading an article on not reading that they didn't read, or the reply from a commenter who feels superior for having read it but didn't read it well because they are spoiling the joke the article asked them not to spoil?

Yes. All the best cosplay photographers go for close-ups that show as little of the costume as possible.

The paranoid part of my brain tells me that it could easily have said something else and they changed it at the last second to give him a big win and create some buzz for the show. The paranoid part of my brain kept it's idiot mouth shut when the letters were physically there and just got rotated into view instead of

What I'm taking from this is that Shaq's idealized version of himself is a pinhead.

Bible thumping Congressman goes on a weekend long internet porn binge only to discover that his webcam has been livestreaming the entire whack-a-thon to his constituency.

So use it. Eat the soy sauce/wasabi concoction. Put mayonnaise on your hamburgers, pickles on your pizza, and mustard on your tacos if that's what you like. Eat what you want, how you want, and to hell with anyone else who thinks they have a say in the matter.

I love my thumb trackball. The standard mouse setup has never agreed with my twitchy fingers. I will constantly click on things without meaning to. The thumb trackball solved that. Thumb on the ball, index on the scroll wheel, all other fingers resting to the side where they can do no damage. Worst case scenario, my

I got a Genesis specifically because my friends all had SNES. I could play Mario Kart at anyone's house, but they could only play Altered Beast at mine. We had a friend we all hated, but he had a NeoGeo. Then again, in those days you had to actually go over to your friend's house. If you could have just linked systems

Her fear caused her to see a threat that didn't exist. That's paranoia. Her paranoia caused her to take a life. That's murder. Paranoia induced murder isn't a judgement. It's a recap.

Clicked the article expecting to see at least one comment about how choosing to "put your life on the line every day" somehow excuses paranoia induced murder.

I was actually thinking that it looked like a Cool Cat. Then I started wondering if there would be a Dirty Dog and a Chicky Baby to go along with it.

Samuel L Jackson would have made an amazing Cowboy Curtis.

I doubt, in this case, that prison would make him a better criminal. I suspect that he would be turned into a well tenderized corpse pretty quickly. An arrogant little douchebag who thinks his parents money makes him better than everyone else wouldn't be very popular in a building full of people with anger issues who