Of all the terrible things 2016 has done to me... now it’s making me looking favorably upon Jill Stein?!?!
Of all the terrible things 2016 has done to me... now it’s making me looking favorably upon Jill Stein?!?!
You can’t trade Alolan Pokémon backwards at all
I am replying purely because this deserves to be out of the grays.
God bless that man. AIDS burger will forever be my favorite tv scene in tv history
If I hadn’t to name a random NES game I feel should be on here I think I’d go with Clash at Demonhead, Jackal, River City Ransom, adventures of Lolo, Milans Secret Castle, Adventure Island, or Ikari Warriors.
ME1 has been backwards compatible from the start
To be fair FemShep is made of pure badass and I’m pretty sure Shen could kick Male Sheps ass
Primary thing I hate about being a vampire is that without a without some serious overcompensation from gear you will get slaughtered slaughtered by fire dragons
I think oven come up with my new favorite Donald description.
Starred just for the Zohar reference
“Mad Scientist” always bothered me. What mad hypothesis are they testing?What mad theory are they applying mad scientific method to?
The way you worded that... I heard it in Steve Rogers voice
Yea sorry the only thing I clearly is the sheer amount of terrifac lesbian porn that Rika and Renamon spawned.
Im not certain thats carrying though... doesnt that pokemon float in midair?
Am I the only one who unequivocally hated Mirrors Edge?
I agree 90% of this is bullshit but I do have a comment to make on the subject of battery saver.
Wasnt he also on Supergirl? Cat’s son right?
The Dolphins kinda deserve it. They are evil vicious bastards. Seriously... You want to see rape and murder in the animal kingdom just take a good hard look at Dolphins
Anyone else deeply saddened that they seem to have thrown the “third game” tradition away? What happened to Pokemon Z? Pokemon Gray (or Chrome I was rooting for)? Delta Emerald?