
Its an extremely expansive expansion pack the likes of which is nearly unheard of in the console gaming circles. It completely changes how you need to play the game in order to be successful. The one weakness of the original was the horrifically repetitive missions and this fixxes that nicely by multiplying the

For me it happened almost immediatly after I attacked the alien base.

While you mostly correct you have to remember the Dark Aeons werent completely absent from the original NA version. Just limited to the Yu Yevon fight.

If it read "Sexual Activity AS AN incentive or reward" wouldnt that be the basic description of all relationships ever?

Where the hell does that wondrous gif come from?

Another thing is what about those of us who dont play PC? Im all for the greatness of certain genres on PC but im also POOR and cant afford a rig. Im currently posting this on a $300 best buy special i got 4 years ago that lags playing diablo 2 single player. I love my Elder Scrolls games on console and am

Each of the two new systems has their own pull points for me. Honestly my big grabbing point from XBone would probobly be Dead Rising 3, PS4 has Infamous: Second Son and both have Kingdom Hearts 3.

True true. But at least your not getting the "Hurry up and rush it out the door and we will fix problems later" edition.

I never buy Next Gen Systems until theyve been out for at least a year hoping to avoid the worst of the bugs, plus even with XBone coming out im geussing 360 probobly has easily another 12-18 months of solid support and releases ahead for it so Im more then happy to keep picking up new releases.

My only concern about the 13 days is feeling rushed. Im fine with playing under a timer as long as it can either be reset at will (ala Majoras Mask) or there is a Sandbox mode with the timer removed (ala Dead Rising)

If i remember right all three starters will dualtype in their final forms. The lineup i think was announced as Fire/Psychic, Grass/Dark, Water/Fighting.

My dear man I feel your pain.

Yes. The same with the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD. Thats the International as well.

Is it just me or does Cyclops look like he is giving a "Buddy Christ" here?

Dont forget Spiritomb.... that motherfuckers BIBLICALLY scary. Anyone ever heard of Legion? "My name is Legion: for we are many."

I would geuss the concussions and black eyes come from the fact that being in an actual prison... well he would be considered rather pretty... and convicts arent known for their gentle cuddling natures. I'll let you finish that math.

Actually they finally have. Thats what Sealed Deck mode is. It only starts you with like 6 boosters and as you continue to play you can acquire more and more boosters to improve and streamline your deck. One thankful thing is it gives you an unlimited number of lands to add or remove from your deck as you see

Its MEANT to be cheesy! Its kind of a callback to the old Kaiju monster flicks. Hell the monsters in the movie are even called Kaiju!

They tried to light fireworks under their father's recliner. Both parents couldnt handle them anymore so they sent them to live with their uncle donald. I dont remember how they ended up with Scrooge though