Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
From a conceptual performance art perspective, I think this piece is strongest as is, in its original form as hypothetical plan posted as a Kotaku comment. Actualizing it would rob it of its poetry.
Hey Guys,
Hey Guys,
Try again without blaming others. Look inward. Look at your boy. Talk to me about the faults and foibles of the Martyr Saint Bernard. Trump beat her. Obama beat her. In 2008, “A complete nobody candidate that won the hearts of the country” and beat the shit out a younger, healthier Hillary Clinton in the primary.…
Too bad Bernie polled worse than Hillary at the polls. Donald Trump beat the Clinton Machine and the DNC but Bernie couldn’t? Your guy was not good at politics. He failed. Woulda-coulda-shoulda’s should start with “What would/could/should Bernie have done to win the primary?”. How did Killer Mike lose a battle with…
I think you’re underestimating the “No Fear - Fuck It” vote.
He’s problematic!
There are no good billionaires, you goon. There is no good aristocrat. Private control of outrageous sums of wealth and power is always bad. Oprah’s not your friend. Don’t be such a sucker.
Looks like her Billionaire Charity Deflection Shields worked on you. Class warfare disengaged. Sucker.
The Pi cannot handle PS2 and GameCube.
Would he give preference to Iranian Sunnis or Syrian Shia? Bad things are happening to them too. Isn’t any non-ISIL affiliated person in Syria a “persecuted religious minority”? Moderate Sunnis who want to send their girls to school, for example?
What about the fact that it only selects muslim majority countries and then makes exceptions for religious minorities with Trump explicitly naming Christians? So it doesn’t ban all muslims, but all the people it bans are muslims. Square that one for me, please.
This has to mean he saw some clips of a D’Nesh D’Souza “documentary” about how the Republicans freed the slaves and the Democrats started the KKK, etc.
Don King, Michael Jackson, Tiger Woods, Al Sharpton, OJ.
What was the vetting process? Why was it bad? What was the part that you’d improve?
It’s true. We have learned a lot. 9/11. Boston Marathon. San Bernardino. All committed by people from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia and Pakistan. It’s great that all these countries have been banned from sending immigrants. I feel safer now. Because we’ve learned sooo soo much. Trump is smart and doing the good things.
I believe in Chicago, that is known as a “pizza”.
Rather annoying!
Oh, poor you. Rather annoyed. Here’s a cookie. Feel better, little guy. Life ain’t fair, I know.
“Every single analysis of the election that I’ve seen has said that voter suppression had nothing to do with it. The problem was that Clinton was a bad candidate from the very beginning.”