
When I worked electronics at Walmart in rural Wisconsin (as if that doesn't set up my story beautifully enough...seriously, if you want, just use your imagination to finish the rest), I would deal with a lot of older folks who not only had no idea how to technology but were often PROUD that they had no idea how to

They should do a "speedrun" of an experienced Ocarina player coaching a gamer who never played it before. This led to me fist fighting many of my friends in college.

I was just talking about discipline with our pediatrician.

Same. I like to just sit there moving my jaw muscles up and down while they slowly slide the burger into my mouth. That way I don't have to exert energy in moving my head.

You need to get Banderas wearing these gloves so he can can recreate minifig Joel recreating Joel/Banderas, recreating Banderas...

To all You assholes complaining,