
Ah yes, person-who-doesn’t-know-the-rules trying to project their lack of knowledge on someone else, and looking even dumber than otherwise. Always a classic.

What about the ethics of a pitcher who pulls a Busch-league move like swiping at the first baseman's glove?

“It doesn’t matter if there’s contact”

Lay off the Provel, man.

I don’t think you are correct that ‘runner always has right to run to the base he is heading for’.

See, now you’re bringing up exceptions that conflict with this section of the rule as quoted: “If any member of the batting team (including the coaches) interferes with a fielder’s right of way to field a thrown ball, the runner on whom the play is being made shall be ruled out.”

Truly the Cardinal Way has become the way of dishonor.”

But I like Chili’s, can’t we make her to go Applebee’s first?

President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

nah, face tats are still the kiss of death here in Whitesville.  Scares old people, you see, which would cut Applebee’s business by over half. 

When she’s contemplating the utter wreckage of her miserable, pathetic life

Sadly, that’s easy. When she’s contemplating the utter wreckage of her miserable, pathetic life (and I know that it’s miserable because there’s no way she can hold down a real job looking like that), she needs someone to look down on. Some way to validate her shitty existence. Something she can cling to in the midst

I think she would need to do Chili’s FIRST, and then AppleBees.. But I think you are spot on.

That actually sounds like a legit reason for the existence of incels, racists misogynists, and the entirety of the GOP, voters and officials alike.

I hope someone fucks your children in the ass and makes them choke on nigger dicks

I didn’t notice the neck tats at first because I was surprised by the little kid in the mugshot.

Dollars to donuts she’ll be out on bail in a week, in a rehabilitation program the next week and a Black college girl’s manager at Applebee’s the next. White Jesus knows this KKKountry takes care of their own.

I’m reading a book about DJT right now. It’s titled Nobody Hates Trump More Than Trump: An Intervention by David Shields. It’s full of great stories that examine how Trump became so terrible.

I don’t even have a funny/sarcastic comment for this one. This shit just gets too tiring sometimes. So this fine example of the master race gets herself locked up for pulling some careless child endangerment fuckshit just so she could drink. Why is her response to go full Mel Gibson? Nobody black made her abandon her

That’s the craziest looking 12 year old I’ve ever seen.