What the fuck? You know she backed into something with that thing, too. Here’s hoping whatever she hit is ok!
What the fuck? You know she backed into something with that thing, too. Here’s hoping whatever she hit is ok!
yeah, fuck that lady. she sucks.
I ... bruh.
Not sure but judging by the picture, a broken tail light is only part of her problem.
Telling a cop “I don’t think that I deserve to pay this ticket!” is a dick move, and not very smart. Society has gotten to the point where plenty of people think a cop is a dick for pulling them over doing 75 in a 60mph zone, but why is a cop a dick for doing their job when you know damn well you were breaking the law?
“I don’t think that I deserve to pay $80 for something that is fixable and I can fix it.”
listen we dont want to hear about your relationship with your mom any longer. we get it, you suck her titties still.
No, one is excreting human waste from your body, which contains the remainders of food and beverages as well as bacteria and all other types of potentially hazardous compounds within it.
you sound insane. no one thinks breastfeeding a seven year old is sexual. none of your questions are being asked by anyone else on planet earth. no one is going to argue for ADULT BREASTFEEDING. i need to take a shower after reading your comment, i have never hoped harder that this whole thing was sarcastic.
“something should be accepted because it’s just a benign bodily function, then you have to accept all other benign bodily functions.”
“But what about the slippery slope?"
“while people accused her of using her child as a means of bypassing Twitch’s rules around sexualized content”
… but it’s breastfeeding. It’s not sexualized in the first place.
I’m really glad that this was resolved in her favor.
they are still part of the core gaming voice though. and for some reason they are the loudest. every article about something that seems as simple as this turns into idiocy in the comments, and as much as it sucks, they do represent gamers.
I never understood the general push back against any kind of public breastfeeding. Even when I was a child and there were public outcrys against something so benign as being inappropriate . It’s not someone “going to the bathroom” nor is it meant to arouse, it’s a woman feeding their child, who the hell is complaining…
More like adult gamers on the internet want to be taken seriously, and a bunch of children teens and adults who haven’t grown up for the second one.
gamers: we should be taken seriously
Im surprised and glad that Twitch reversed direction. I can understand that there would be internal confusion if they never had to deal with it before. Good for Heather to help affect a positive change to not just Twitch, but to any site that deals with user generated content.