
If that’s the case, then society should not have police.

Lolol, you’re extremely pathetic, have no grasp on the real world whatsoever and will have liberal political correctness shoved down your throat until the day you die, whether you like it or not. I’m going to see to it personally.

Sometimes calling something ‘fucking vile’ is an easy escape from truly trying to understand something, but I don’t believe that’s the case on the specific topic of the actions of Michelle Carter, nor do I believe that’s what the original poster is doing.

It is a literal fucking plague. I’ve lived in several spots up and down the east coast, ranging from Maine (Portland, which essentially streams WEEI and some other Boston talk radio) to Miami. Southern fans who call in generally conform to hillbilly stereotypes (Jethro from Volusia County calling in to say someone

Sure it is. I want the courts packed to the gills with complaints about all kinds of shit you don’t care about; I want liberals murdering conservatives, I want lawsuits against Trump for blocking people on Twitter, I want to see that cocksucker Duncan Hunter charged with fraud and paraded around, I want to see the

If it took Trump down, I’d literally free Epstein myself and give him a 1-way plane ticket to Thailand.

Of course there is a middle ground, but that doesn’t mean people have to take it. Sometimes the middle ground is a worse position than both of the two polar opposites it rests between.

Nah, that’s a legally owned and registered gun.  This is just what gun owners are like.

No doubt; I was answering in an extremely generalized fashion just to be able to provide a concrete answer to the OP, but I agree that the real amount of time completely depends on the type of story being reported upon and what kind of turnaround your editor expects before it’s complete.  Obviously sometimes you won’t

Not really. Quite the opposite, I have a higher expectation of them getting back to me, but I also acknowledge that most people are not checking their work e-mail on a Saturday or Sunday and thus will not have seen the message in a timely fashion, as opposed to someone like a soccer player that does not have a desk

You seem to be taking ‘failed to respond’ as an insult of some kind. It’s not. It’s a statement of fact when the individual whose comment was sought does not, in fact, respond.

Aye, I graduated in 2010 and that was the standard suggested to us at our school.  Can’t speak to what newsrooms are doing now because I’m an accountant ;)

Depends on the circumstances.  Did I e-mail their ‘work’ e-mail or a personal e-mail?  If I hit the personal e-mail, it’s going to be a hard & fast two days, even if those two days were Saturday/Sunday.  I might make an exception if it’s a work e-mail for someone with a desk job.  But if it’s the work e-mail of a

My rule of thumb in J-School was about two days.  Don’t do it by then?  Then I’m saying you failed to respond for request to comment.

I mean, if ever having tolerated slavery or genocide in a respective region is the line that, once crossed, renders an entire society/civilization bad in perpetuity, then all of humanity is bad and not a single one of us is redeemable. I can’t think of a single nation on earth that didn’t utilize slave labor or

We became the baddies well before you were born.  We have been the baddies for your entire life span.

You seem super mad, replying to all these threads sarcastically and indignantly in defense of Dr. D.  You one of his loyal 15 year old followers or just a generic edgelord?

I think what he did was worse than, say, punching an unsuspecting stranger in the face for no reason.  Privacy violations are worse than light physical violence, imo.

Your husband is right.  Quarterbacks and centers in particular do this, because they have to receive and touch the ball every play.  The ball gets very slick when sweaty men run around with it, so a quick dry of your hands and/or the ball with a towel ensures a better grip.

Seriously though, he was examining his lower leg in the immediate aftermath like a driver looking at their newly shredded tire on the side of the road.