

Ann Curry is so lovely. I think she’s too good for The View, but would totally watch to see her perspective.

Ugh! So jealous! I’ve been thinking get about cropping my hair, but it’s super curly. Also, it is incredibly cold, I’d miss the length just for warmth

Welcome to Vermont!!!!!!

Yup. She knew and super-proud of herself. She really thought she was the smartest person in the room.

CTRL is SOOOOO good. Always on repeat.

I wasn’t ready. I died of laughter, goodbye.

They told us we would be paid eventually as well, but you get paid if Congress approves it. There’s no guarantee that you would be. They’ve never denied it before, but we are living in different times at the moment. I don’t put anything past it.

We were designated as crucial employees and had to show up to work whether we were going to get paid or not. The ridiculous part? We couldn’t use anything that would cost money: telephone calls to Brigade? Nope, that’s long distance, use the GSA? Nope, it costs gas. Basically, we were made to show up to work and stare


Yeah, that’s so weird that the Gothamist shutdown has barely made a blip around here. It just got buried.

Disney and Taylor Swift really are into picking fights this week, then getting dragged. The 1st amendment feels like it’s on the endangered list.


Hard pass.

Thanks for the suggestion. Totally did.



Agreed...I’d love that.

OMG, I forgot about this guy!!!!